Short answer, yes it’s fine biblically to drink alcohol despite what some say, and yes Jesus drank wine with alcohol inside of it. In Matthew 11:18-19, Jesus couldn’t make it clearer. Jesus spoke of how the scribes, Pharisees, and chief priests would marginalize him and John the Baptist. They said of John, who didn’t come into this world eating and drinking, he has a devil. Of Christ they said, who came into this world eating and drinking, behold a winebibber, a gluttonous man; friend of publicans and sinners. If the wine Jesus drank didn’t have alcohol, then why would they call him a “winebibber”? The original Greek word there for drinking was “pino”, which means to “imbibe”, or drink alcohol.

In Deuteronomy 14:22-26, Moses spoke of the ordinances of the feasts they were to observe. He said that people can bring things to sell to buy things they desire, including wine and even strong drink. Yes, the strict Old Testament said it was fine to drink alcohol, even strong drinks.

Obviously one should not do these things to excess. Being a drunkard is a sin. If you’re uncomfortable drinking alcohol for whatever reason, then that’s your prerogative. Do whatever your heart desires as long as it’s done responsibly. Anyone however who says that God is against drinking alcohol or that Jesus somehow didn’t have alcohol in his wine are kidding themselves.

Hopefully everyone has a good Christmas. This year I fear will be worse than even the recent ones. Keep safe and read the Bible. Be ready.


We’ve been hearing a lot of hyperbole about the consequences of this midterm election from democrats, saying that democracy is at stake in this election. Why they are saying this lines up with things like cashless bail, open borders, and demonizing normal everyday Americans- it’s a pretext for the marxist war against the American people.

George Soros follows the same gameplan in the countries he has admittedly destroyed. The media demonizing Americans is one of those steps. The final two steps go hand-in-hand with one another. One, create or take advantage of a crisis surrounding an election. Two, take to the streets. Normal Americans won’t go out and commit violence, or at least enough of it to bring the country down so a marxist dystopia can take its place, so bring in new people from other countries here illegally, and open up the prisons. The ones that commit horrific crimes will not be detained, since the Soros-funded DA’s won’t prosecute them. Laws are passed to also keep them out on the streets after they commit crimes because they will be useful for the final step-take to the streets.

One “historian” on MSNBC said that if republicans win, children will be rounded up and killed. All of these people saying democracy is at stake, republicans are nazis, well they’re doing it for a reason, and it’s not bad politics. It’s a pretext for war. It’s like a black op. Putin being accurately accused of lying intentionally about what Ukrainians are planning so it gives him an excuse to commit atrocities is the same exact reason why the left is crying out that democracy is at stake and that republicans are coming to take and even kill children. This is their lying excuse for what they’re about to do. They will claim they have to do these horrible things to the American people to save and preserve their Orwellian term “democracy”. Criminals willl commit crimes against the people of this nation while not being prosecuted while those who defend themselves and their property will by these Soros-funded DA’s. AG Merrick Garland going after parents at school board meetings for protesting their children being taught about the sickest of perversions will continue on to other groups of people, especially dealing with Christian churches. The public will have few friends that they can turn to in the government. This is what they’re at least attempting to accomplish.

If they lose, they will come down hard on their political enemies, politician and citizen alike. If they win, they will also come down hard on their political enemies, politician and citizen alike. They have nothing but their own marxist dystopian self-interests in mind, but what these evil people don’t understand is all they are doing is setting up their father’s short-lived kingdom. At no other time has America been so much in the hands of the enemies of the constitution. Every term they use is Orwellian, co-opted to silence Americans, and even worse. As all marxists do, they accuse you of things they actually want to do or are doing themselves. And they say these things to have their insane marxist warriors do their dirty work, like so many marxist revolutions from the past. From the Bolshevik uprising to the Velvet Revolution, brainwashed scumbags will bring about Dystopia thinking they’re bringing Utopia. Many will be college educated having no education about history, or at least accurate history. Professors can’t exactly tell their students how the Iron Curtain came about. Every country behind it had their future in their hands. They just listened to what their lying marxist politicians, revolutionaries, and educators told them.

I emplore all of you if you were going to study one thing outside the Bible, study the Velvet Revolution done by Soros, and his boy Norm Eisen. If you read that, you will read America’s future.


If you were wondering why dems are promotings things like abortion on demand, climate change, genital mutilation and hormone blockers for children, it’s because they are eugenecists. They were a hundred years ago. They always were. Many are even against trying to save a baby who has survived an attempted abortion from receiving medical care outside the womb, like former president, Barack Obama.

Decades ago, there was a huge eugenics movement that the elite from both american parties were staunchly in favor of. It was global, in fact. Their root was socialism. Socialism, despite its fictional mantra of wanting to bring about economic justice, was only a way to bring about a totalitarian state that people would be powerless to fight against once they realized how foolish they were to believe in their marxist leaders’ lies. True socialists want totalitarian and full economic power over its people. They only want people to have enough to get by, and that might not even be with money. George Bernard Shaw said that people should be clothed, fed, and housed. If they fought that, then they should be forced to be clothed, fed, and housed. If they still fought it, they should be killed off in a kindly manner. Why would the people fight against free clothes, food, and homes, unless they were crap? Well, that’s because that’s what Shaw and the early twenty century progressives wanted to give- crap. He also said people should be brought before a panel every five years and give adequate reason why they deserve to live longer. Those who did not give adequate reason should also be killed off in a kindly manner. The progressives wanted only those who can work to live. The old, weak, diseased, and lame weren’t fit to live because they couldn’t make the things the elite progressives wanted to own. Sterilization and abortions were also encouraged as a way to curb the population because that way the progressives didn’t have to give more clothes, food, and houses than what was necessary. Too many people costs too much money. Their selling point to get this done to the people was to say the world was overpopulated and something needed to be done to save the world, and scientists, who are easier to buy than prostitutes, were all behind it. In the 1920’s, the world was obviously not overpopulated, but there had to be a way to lie to the people to convince them to go along with the idea. Hey, it’s to save the world! The eugenicsts couldn’t have cared less about saving the world. A few decades later, overpopulation turned in a man-caused ice age, then man-caused global warming, then man-caused climate change. Climate change became the mantra so that way no matter what happens, they will be correct since they were proven to be so wrong before.

In the 1960’s, scientists were saying we were in danger of an ice age caused by industrialization. That was a lie. In 1988, the UN came out saying it was now global warming that was bringing doom to the planet earth, again of course caused by man. If it’s caused by man, you can do something against man. Still in 1981, scientists were claiming there was an impending, or even the beginning of an ice age because of man. No scientist can or will ever be able to explain how man can be causing an ice age in 1981 and cause dangerous global warming in seven years. Why won’t they explain it? Because it can’t be done. The only thing that can cause a climate change where the earth is cooler than usual and then seven years later is warmer than usual is the sun, but you can’t do anything about the sun. In fact, Mars had the same cooling and warming period as we did, but that was coincidence according to scientists. When the earth started cooling again, a British climate research unit, lead by Dr. Phil Jones, had donors email them telling them to make things look worse than their findings show. Jones even bragged about how they are “hiding the decline” in temperatures. His emails were exposed when a hacker released them. It was known as climategate. This was back in 2009. Why would donors, including the World Wildlife Fund, want to tell Jones’ CRU to hide the decline and tell lies to the people? I thought the WWF was about the preservation of animals. Well, this is how it works: the WWF’s donors tell them to tell the CRU to make things look worse, that way the donors don’t get their hands dirty. Many charitites are a foot in the door to other things, and some, if not most nonprofits exist to promote the donors’ political beliefs and increase their wealth and power, all while receiving tax deductions since nonprofits are considered charities. Right now, there are people buying up farmland while saying even growing vegetables and fruits harm the climate, which means they are buying farmland to purposely not grow food. This will increase and it will cause people to literally starve to death in the coming years. Climate change policies targeting oil and energy companies will also cause many to die because the people won’t be able to heat or cool their homes. People will die by the thousands because of this.

The media and their business partners are also promoting things like gender dysphoria even for very young kids. Schools are actively telling children to not tell their parents of what they are being taught because the parents would rise up against them and stop their madness. Medical centers are performing surgeries to remove reproductive organs from children because the kids have (or may not have) gender dysphoria. You might wonder why they would do things like this and give puberty blockers to children. The answer is easy if you consider the past eugenics movement. Children who have these surgeries or are given puberty blockers are less likely, if not unable to have children. It’s to reduce the population. This is also why there is a sexualization of our children as young as kindergarten. If you sexualize them by teaching all of the things they can do with themselves, you can rewrite their sexuality. If you rewrite their sexuality, the children will be more likely to experience gender dysphoria. If they experience this, they can have surgeries or be given medication to sterilize them. Eventually children will be taken from parents who are against having their children butchered. Obama’s science czar years ago said he wanted sterlilants in drinking water. All of these things are to reduce population.

President Clinton’s former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich was caught on audiotape speaking before college students saying they needed to stop trying to extend the lives of older people. The students applauded. It was a disgusting display. The reason for this is what I had been writing about. Notice he used to be the Sec. of Labor. Old people don’t work like young people can. Of course Reich didn’t include himself in needing to not live as long as he can. They never do mean themselves. No matter what, it is certain that people who promote things for others to do, they never mean themselves.

Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel came up with the Complete Lives System, which measured a person’s worth by their age. You can find his graph online. The older a person gets, their value decreases. Emanuel helped author Obama’s ACA. He is also Rahm Emanuel’s brother. Right now, Dr. Emanuel serves as head of Penn’s Department of Medical Ethics and Health Policy, and was one of the members of Biden’s coronovirus advisory board. Head of a medical ethics board at an Ivy League university… colleges know exactly where to put these people.

In conclusion, all of these things are directed to do one thing: reduce the population. Thousands, perhaps millions will die due to this climate change fight. It will have nothing to do with climate change. Obama lives yards away from the Atlantic Ocean. Obviously, he’s not very concerned. Every prediction that scientists and specifically climatologists make come out false, and not wrong as in worse than their predictions. Their predictions have nothing to do with what they really believe will happen ten or fifteen years from now. It’s to alarm you and get you to go along with their backdoor plan to erase you from this planet. Too many people means “too expensive” for marxist elites have to pay for, even if the living conditions for people would be just well enough to survive. No matter what they say, this is their real desire and this is where we are heading. This world, especially this country is ripe for judgement.


Some, hopefully most of you might recognize the phrase “war with Eurasia”. This was the never ending, and perhaps “presently” fictional war in the Orwelle book 1984. The war was a way to control the minds of the people. If you weren’t wholeheartedly against Eurasia, you were a domestic enemy that needed re-educating. At the end, the protagonist Winston was re-educated. When asked how many fingers the man held up, Winston was brainwashed to the point where the number of fingers being held up was the number the state told him it was. Truth to the state was, and will always be a hindrance to their power. Every subject that the media and the ruling class are pushing is a war with Eurasia. “Don’t believe what you see. Believe what we tell you.”

Subjects such as race, police, Covid, education, words we use, climate change, religion, and protests/riots are used as psychological warfare against individual and independent thought. These are all battles that the ruling class say we have to be on board with or else we are a domestic enemy, and soon, terrorist. No matter what these people say, and most of it is absolutely outrageous and lunatic, there is a method to the madness. Critics might call them stupid, but they’re not. At least what they say is not. They’re on tv and saying those things for a reason. If they don’t, the powers that be will find another soulless troll to replace them.

The irony you should pay attention to isn’t what they say, which is always ironic, but the irony you should pay attention to was in 1984. At the beginning of his re-education, Winston recalls the war really wasn’t with Eurasia, but Eastasia. This tells us Eastasia won the war. It also tells us there had to be domestic enemies during the war with Eastasia that helped Eastasia win. It was the traitors in the war with Eastasia that were in charge of the state and the war with Eurasia. The traitors won. And in the United States, the traitors are winning. Since they are in control, they see you as the enemy of the state who needs re-educating. They obviously don’t live up to the ideals of the constitution, but you are the new enemy of America. A constitutionalist is an enemy of the state.

The reason they see enemies within America more than they do with China is because China is closer to what they want than the America set by the constitution. China is a communist country that has total control over its people. That is exactly what the ruling class wants here, but not just here. Conservative critics are pointing out that the democrats want total control of the government, but democrats are marxists. Marxists don’t just want control over a country. They want control over the entire world. Marxism is a global movement. It was designed to be so, and it will always be so. Is it any wonder that the book of Revelation says the rider of the white horse conquers the world? Marxism is the government that comes. We are in for troubled times, but at least in America it won’t always be so.

Eventually the global government falls, and it doesn’t take long. The wars in Revelation in a sense will be a war between east versus west. The enemies in our country who side with Eastasia (China) will be found out. This is inevitable. The kings of the east will then march west in the final battle. That will be China and any marxist nation on their side or nation they will take over.

I wanted to write this to have you look at the news differently. Also keep this in mind: when you hear conservatives who say that the media work for the democratic party, it’s actually the other way around. This isn’t hard to figure out when you look outside the small world of politics. Who has the money? The democratic party or the corporate owned media? It’s the democrat party that works for the media because the media is owned by corporations who love nothing more than globalism because globalism means total control and neverending profits. The other reason I wrote this was to remind you of what Jesus said. Let your heart not be troubled. These bad things will come to pass, but salvation will soon follow. He’s always in control. God bless!


There was a time where it would seem unbelievable where all companies around the world would make people either take the mark of the beast or not do business. Those days of unbelievability are over. Actually they’ve been over for a quite a while. The only thing we’re seeing in recent days is their boldness. The global elites have momentum and not many seem to have the courage to stand up to them. Even if they did the global elites will cut them off before they could have momentum of their own. Twitter has routinely censored conservatives which would cause competition to rise. To combat that, platforms such as Apple and Google, who do not mind Chinese murderers and dictators, are considering to not carry apps needed to allow competition to exist. That’s what‘s happening to Parler. No matter what the reasons they have and will state, the two reasons they are considering this is they don’t want competition for Twitter or ideas. Those are the only two reasons. Both Apple and Google enjoy the benefits of slave labor and/or “sweatshop” labor, so they have no morals or integrity, yet they have the full belief they are better than you. Ricky Gervais made that point wonderfully during the open of the last Golden Globes. These immoral scumbags are our arbiters of truth and justice.

What has happened to Trump, being permanently suspended by Twitter, is just the wind-up before the fastball. It won’t stop there. Democratic lawmakers don’t want you to have free speech, so they love what social media platforms are doing. And make no mistake about it, YOU are the target. Not just conservatives. Anyone who has a differing opinion on any subject that they consider the law of the new world will be targeted.

Many years ago, progressives tried to bring about a new world order and pushed esperanto as the future world language. They had no morals either. They told the world with scientists behind them that the world was overpopulated and we needed eugenics to save it. They targeted the old, sick, and lame. Some targeted race. George Bernard Shaw said that people should be brought before a panel and give adequate reason as to why they should be allowed to live further. Those that don’t give adequate reason “should be killed in a kindly manner”. The extermination of the Jews happened because the Nazis were progressives. They listened to scientists and felt the Jews were useless, so they should be killed. At first, if the Jews could work, they were allowed to be their slaves, but their intention was always to kill them when they didn’t need them anymore. George Bernard Shaw cheered at the Nazis killing people by the thousands, that is until he found out they were targeting Jews. He complained that eugenics was not to target Jews. He just wanted people who weren’t able to carry their own weight to be killed. What a nice guy! The world listened to these progressives and scientists and thought they had to save the world. When the world saw the atrocities committed by the Nazis, especially in America, they realized the progressives were sick pukes who should be shunned forever. That history has unfortunately been forgotten by most.

In the future, global companies and government will force you to accept their ways. They’re already moving there. China has more power in America than an American citizen does. What China doesn’t like is removed. People who speak against China are condemned by American companies and media. Even athletes will speak out against you. Just ask Daryl Morey. Imagine someone who can perform great things that globalists believe is God what they would do for him. Heck, find a bank that would take your money then.

For doctrine purposes, people will receive a mark just as is written. I heard former pastor Arnold Murray say there won’t be an actual mark and Satan is just too smart for that. No matter what is written of the Antichrist, False Prophet, and Satan, they will follow what is written of them. What would differentiate someone to where they can buy, sell, or trade from someone that is not allowed? There has to be something people can show to be able to buy, sell, and trade in the global market.

*UPDATE* 1/10/21

Apple just suspended the Parler app from the app store.


Today revealed a lot. This was a place I predicted we would come to, and we’re just beginning. People have no faith in the electoral process, and why should they? There is no way the dems didn’t cheat to elect Biden. There was no way they weren’t going to cheat. They were going to take advantage of the Covid pandemic in a variety of ways, most of all when it came to the election. This is their nature. All dems today care about is power, and they will do ANYTHING to achieve it. Heck, Ted Kennedy was trying to enlist the help of the Soviets during the height of the Cold War to make Reagan a one term president. Power is their number one goal. The republicans don’t get this. Before one rule in these all “coincidental” battleground states was changed illegally, they should have made their stand to keep this election secure. Doing it after the election is futile. Many years ago I said the republicans do not know their enemy. Whether they see dems as their enemy is irrelevant because the dems see them as theirs. Anyone who gets in the way of dem power is.

I warned you about George Soros a long time ago. What is happening in America isn’t new. Read about the Rose, Orange, and Velvet revolutions, particularly the Velvet one. Decreasing Americans faith in institutions such as government, the media, and others is something Soros and the dems want from both sides of the aisle. If there is no faith, there is no participation or care. If there is no truth, or very little of it, nothing will be believed. If nothing is believable, then everything is believable because people will put forth their own stories and the loudest voices will have the largest followers. There is a page at the top of the site that gets into this a bit called “The Lost-Corruptible”. It’s my favorite piece on my site.

There was a riot today at the nation’s capitol. It seems as if they were right-wing. I say “seems” because of what current Hell resident Saul Alinsky did. He told his followers to dress as the KKK and put themselves into a crowd of people he wanted to look crazy. If you want to read one book to see what the left is all about, read “Rules For Radicals” by Alinsky, which he dedicated to Lucifer. These riots could have either been planned by Soros stooges, or provoked by Soros stooges by raising the temperature of the protesters . If they see a few acting lawlessly, then it spreads like a wildfire. Anything is possible, and that is what I just wrote about. If nothing is true, then everything is true. I’m not falling for what the left is doing. I just know my enemy.

If there were Trump supporters who planned this, then they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Trump is also to blame because he really made his followers believe this election was going to get overturned. A pipe dream beyond all pipe dreams. A woman died, seemingly unjustified. Law enforcement had their temperature raised also which means mistakes will be made. We’ll find out more about the woman and the situation in the coming days, but it doesn’t look good for the law enforcement officer. She just looked like a bystander. Tragic to say the least.

No matter what, Trump proved himself to be a jackass. I’m one who believed in what he was doing, even though some of the things he said and tweeted In the past had me scratching my head, but he did his best to expose the enemies within. He forced his enemies and America’s enemies within this nation to reveal themselves. He forced our so-called allies to stop taking advantage of the people of this nation. Not the government or big business, who the dems laughingly speak against, but the people. Jobs came back. Companies came back. The elites who glorify themselves hated him for it. He did a good job in his video address, but it was too late. A woman died. He should have known when you stoke anger, anger will be unleashed. Some things are inevitable once the path is given.

Those who rioted on the right, and let me make it clear, there were many who were on the right, you are ruining this nation you supposedly love. What will be the response from the left, just legislatively speaking? More freedom and liberty? Think again. These people are proof every side has their crazies.

It’s time to make your souls right. Read. Study. Study hard. This is where we are going. We don’t have much time. 2021 I believe will be as bad or worse than 2020. I hope I’m wrong. Civilization is crumbling.


For those of you who know of my health problems, I have great news. I just received a kidney transplant.been sick basically all of my life and had been on dialysis for two years. I got the call night before last saying they had a kidney. Tbe operation was a success. Coming out of surgery gave me the worst pain ever. They didn’t give me anything for pain for nearly an hour. Afterwards with valium’s help, the pain subsided. I already walked around and the kidney is already functioning. For those of you who prayed for me, I thank you. It meant a lot to me. I also thank God for a successful procedure and not too long of a wait. With my rare blood type, the average time of wait for a kidney available was 6-8 years. I waited just over two years after being put on the list. One last thing: if you’re going for a stress test and they want to give you medicine to mimic the effects of a treadmill, don’t take it. Use the treadmill. I realize that different people are effected by it in different ways, but the pain was intolerable and my blood pressure went down to 63/38. Use the treadmill. Anyway, I will give an update if there are changes. I am in the ICU because my blood pressure is low, they said it’s no big deal. No more dialysis, unless something changes. Take care all. God bless you all.


As some of you know, I have kidney issues. These issues have gotten worse over the last year. I have been on dialysis since last July. I need a transplant. I will give information to those of you who wish to volunteer. If it doesn’t help me, you can give a new lease on life to someone else. I found out I have the rarest tissue type, which means that I probably will have the longest wait time for a transplant. Anything, including prayers will be appreciated. Thank you.

Kristy Williams, RN,BSN,CCTC
Clinical Coordinator
Kidney Transplant
Indiana  University Health, University Hospital
Compassionate. Highly Skilled. Personalized. Visit
—–Original Message—–
From: Kristen Williams <> 
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2019 12:33 PM
To: Williams, Kristen M <

Associated Press willingly cooperated with the Nazis, new report shows

This shouldn’t be a shock. Despite the outrage today’s left has toward naziism, as well as labeling them “right-wing”, it was the elites of the day that shared in the ideas, and even pave the path for the Nazi party. George Bernard Shaw, Margaret Sanger, and the early 20th century progressives were the ones who pushed for eugenics and the talk of a master race. Sanger, a hero to the left, wanted blacks to be sterilized and have them have abortions until their numbers in America would be insignificant. She even spoke before the KKK. She was an elitist who spoke before the KKK. Who uses the KKK and Nazis to marginilize and insult their enemies? The elitist left. Shaw was the one who called on scientists to come up with a painless way to kill large groups of people, which was how the gas chambers came about. Shaw celebrated the fact that the Nazis and Soviets under Stalin were killing off people by the thousands, until he found out they were targeting Jews. He expressed his outrage by saying, “That is not what that’s for (eugenics).” Shaw only wanted the useless to die, which is why he put forth an idea to have people appear before a panel every five years and give just reason as to why they should be allowed to continue to live. If a person does not give adequate reason, according to Shaw, they should be killed off in a kindly manner. Other elitists of the day did target races also with eugenics, such as Sanger. Sanger is the founder of Planned Parenthood. It should not be lost on you that if there is a minority community, you can be sure to find a Planned Parenthood office there.

Scientists also pushed forth that eugenics was a necessity, and if you didn’t go along with such absurdity, you were a flat-earther. You would be considered too dumb to know what’s best for you and society. Sound familiar? Eugenics had scientists behind it. The media was also behind this message. There were some very racist articles published in the NY Times during that time, not The Daily Redneck in Fort Worth, Tx.

In 1939, there was a Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden in NYC. They didn’t have it in Kentucky, Oklahoma, or South Carolina. They had it in New York, where the elites were. International businesses, including American ones, profited by way of the Nazis. Some even profited directly from the theft and slavery of the Jewish people.

Who is for socialism? The elites. The word “Nazi” stood for “national socialism”. Who would call national socialism a right-wing cause today? No one. The evil, diabolical ideas put forth by the elites of the day were so repulsive, eventually the common people rejected them harshly, so the progressives decided to hide and call themselves liberals. One thing they definitely learned- make their enemies think they are their friends.

Associated Press willingly cooperated with the Nazis, new report shows.

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