If you were wondering why dems are promotings things like abortion on demand, climate change, genital mutilation and hormone blockers for children, it’s because they are eugenecists. They were a hundred years ago. They always were. Many are even against trying to save a baby who has survived an attempted abortion from receiving medical care outside the womb, like former president, Barack Obama.

Decades ago, there was a huge eugenics movement that the elite from both american parties were staunchly in favor of. It was global, in fact. Their root was socialism. Socialism, despite its fictional mantra of wanting to bring about economic justice, was only a way to bring about a totalitarian state that people would be powerless to fight against once they realized how foolish they were to believe in their marxist leaders’ lies. True socialists want totalitarian and full economic power over its people. They only want people to have enough to get by, and that might not even be with money. George Bernard Shaw said that people should be clothed, fed, and housed. If they fought that, then they should be forced to be clothed, fed, and housed. If they still fought it, they should be killed off in a kindly manner. Why would the people fight against free clothes, food, and homes, unless they were crap? Well, that’s because that’s what Shaw and the early twenty century progressives wanted to give- crap. He also said people should be brought before a panel every five years and give adequate reason why they deserve to live longer. Those who did not give adequate reason should also be killed off in a kindly manner. The progressives wanted only those who can work to live. The old, weak, diseased, and lame weren’t fit to live because they couldn’t make the things the elite progressives wanted to own. Sterilization and abortions were also encouraged as a way to curb the population because that way the progressives didn’t have to give more clothes, food, and houses than what was necessary. Too many people costs too much money. Their selling point to get this done to the people was to say the world was overpopulated and something needed to be done to save the world, and scientists, who are easier to buy than prostitutes, were all behind it. In the 1920’s, the world was obviously not overpopulated, but there had to be a way to lie to the people to convince them to go along with the idea. Hey, it’s to save the world! The eugenicsts couldn’t have cared less about saving the world. A few decades later, overpopulation turned in a man-caused ice age, then man-caused global warming, then man-caused climate change. Climate change became the mantra so that way no matter what happens, they will be correct since they were proven to be so wrong before.

In the 1960’s, scientists were saying we were in danger of an ice age caused by industrialization. That was a lie. In 1988, the UN came out saying it was now global warming that was bringing doom to the planet earth, again of course caused by man. If it’s caused by man, you can do something against man. Still in 1981, scientists were claiming there was an impending, or even the beginning of an ice age because of man. No scientist can or will ever be able to explain how man can be causing an ice age in 1981 and cause dangerous global warming in seven years. Why won’t they explain it? Because it can’t be done. The only thing that can cause a climate change where the earth is cooler than usual and then seven years later is warmer than usual is the sun, but you can’t do anything about the sun. In fact, Mars had the same cooling and warming period as we did, but that was coincidence according to scientists. When the earth started cooling again, a British climate research unit, lead by Dr. Phil Jones, had donors email them telling them to make things look worse than their findings show. Jones even bragged about how they are “hiding the decline” in temperatures. His emails were exposed when a hacker released them. It was known as climategate. This was back in 2009. Why would donors, including the World Wildlife Fund, want to tell Jones’ CRU to hide the decline and tell lies to the people? I thought the WWF was about the preservation of animals. Well, this is how it works: the WWF’s donors tell them to tell the CRU to make things look worse, that way the donors don’t get their hands dirty. Many charitites are a foot in the door to other things, and some, if not most nonprofits exist to promote the donors’ political beliefs and increase their wealth and power, all while receiving tax deductions since nonprofits are considered charities. Right now, there are people buying up farmland while saying even growing vegetables and fruits harm the climate, which means they are buying farmland to purposely not grow food. This will increase and it will cause people to literally starve to death in the coming years. Climate change policies targeting oil and energy companies will also cause many to die because the people won’t be able to heat or cool their homes. People will die by the thousands because of this.

The media and their business partners are also promoting things like gender dysphoria even for very young kids. Schools are actively telling children to not tell their parents of what they are being taught because the parents would rise up against them and stop their madness. Medical centers are performing surgeries to remove reproductive organs from children because the kids have (or may not have) gender dysphoria. You might wonder why they would do things like this and give puberty blockers to children. The answer is easy if you consider the past eugenics movement. Children who have these surgeries or are given puberty blockers are less likely, if not unable to have children. It’s to reduce the population. This is also why there is a sexualization of our children as young as kindergarten. If you sexualize them by teaching all of the things they can do with themselves, you can rewrite their sexuality. If you rewrite their sexuality, the children will be more likely to experience gender dysphoria. If they experience this, they can have surgeries or be given medication to sterilize them. Eventually children will be taken from parents who are against having their children butchered. Obama’s science czar years ago said he wanted sterlilants in drinking water. All of these things are to reduce population.

President Clinton’s former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich was caught on audiotape speaking before college students saying they needed to stop trying to extend the lives of older people. The students applauded. It was a disgusting display. The reason for this is what I had been writing about. Notice he used to be the Sec. of Labor. Old people don’t work like young people can. Of course Reich didn’t include himself in needing to not live as long as he can. They never do mean themselves. No matter what, it is certain that people who promote things for others to do, they never mean themselves.

Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel came up with the Complete Lives System, which measured a person’s worth by their age. You can find his graph online. The older a person gets, their value decreases. Emanuel helped author Obama’s ACA. He is also Rahm Emanuel’s brother. Right now, Dr. Emanuel serves as head of Penn’s Department of Medical Ethics and Health Policy, and was one of the members of Biden’s coronovirus advisory board. Head of a medical ethics board at an Ivy League university… colleges know exactly where to put these people.

In conclusion, all of these things are directed to do one thing: reduce the population. Thousands, perhaps millions will die due to this climate change fight. It will have nothing to do with climate change. Obama lives yards away from the Atlantic Ocean. Obviously, he’s not very concerned. Every prediction that scientists and specifically climatologists make come out false, and not wrong as in worse than their predictions. Their predictions have nothing to do with what they really believe will happen ten or fifteen years from now. It’s to alarm you and get you to go along with their backdoor plan to erase you from this planet. Too many people means “too expensive” for marxist elites have to pay for, even if the living conditions for people would be just well enough to survive. No matter what they say, this is their real desire and this is where we are heading. This world, especially this country is ripe for judgement.

7 comments on “EUGENICS 2.0

  1. sergey says:

    I agree with you Jesse Norman

  2. David says:

    You are thinking they are finding ways to kill people off so they can afford what’s left when their Socialism government goal is hit?
    Interesting they are buying farm ground in the name of climate change because at any time they can change their mind then OWN our food. You did say people will feel they have to follow satan in order to survive.
    I will read further into the Velvet Revolution. I don’t like politics so I just briefly google what you say. Would be nice to see what others did to make it through something like that before we have to live it. What your saying does sound like a crazy conspiracy but I mean they are truly doing it and for no good reason behind it. Other than a personal goal.
    Just have to remember not to covet your neighbors goods and even those without the knowledge of Jesus are still bound to the law of love naturally given to us all. That will break socialism and the Quran.

    I have seen an argument Jesus was a socialist because in Acts when the Holy Spirit came on them they sold all their goods and put it together. How would you fight that argument?

    • Jesse Norman says:

      Well, those who had the Holy Spirit come into them in Acts didn’t sell their goods to make it an “even financial playing field”, it was to help spread the word of Christ. That had nothing at all to do with socialism in any way. The best proof that God was not a socialist was in Job 22 where Eliphaz the Temanite kept telling Job that he was being punished by God for sins he must have committed. One of the things he brought up was that since Job had so much others had so little. That’s the first documented socialist diatribe in history. God was very angry that Eliphaz and Zophar spoke from God’s point of view in an ill fashion. When God spoke to Job , He put it up to Job whether Eliphaz and Zophar should be forgiven.
      Eventually they will kill many people through this false climate change fight. There’s no way people won’t die in great numbers.
      Bill Gates is buying up farmland but he’s not the only one, and they’re saying farming is hurting the environment, so what comes from that?

  3. David says:

    Also I feel you think America has a very, very harsh punishment coming due to the way we are probably the most sinful nation in the world?

    • Jesse Norman says:

      We aren’t the most sinful, but we have been given the most, and we have fallen the furthest off. Israel thousands of years ago wasn’t the most evil nation, but with what they were given through wealth and the prophets, God judged them and put them in the hands of their enemies.

  4. David says:

    Is there a reason behind why George Soros doesn’t like communism? Before the revolutions they were communist government. Why cause the revolutions in the first place? Is it practice? To get rich? Or does he need them setup in a way to control them? Make him look like a decent guy changing communism? If he really planned to take down the United States from the start he put some great thought into this for a ton of years. It’s obvious he owns the justice system and the democrats.

    • Jesse Norman says:

      Some socialists hate communism. Hitler hated communism, but was very much a socialist. I believe that Mussolini was also anti-communist. Communism restricts too much of what nations can produce because the government owns everything while socialism is supposed to allow all to receive the benefits of what is produced, but never does. Soros and many others pushing this NWO really believe in a state sponsored capitalism that only the elites get to enjoy. It’s pretty much a new form of socialism where not the government owns everything but the super wealthy do with the help of the government.

      Why he caused these revolutions was certainly for practice but also they were chess pieces of national governments under his control, or certainly influence to eventually take over the world. It’s taken years for him to take down the US because of our government system. Now he has his people in control of every facet of our government, especially those that are never elected. The media, unions, grievance groups, and banks are with him, but due to our constitutional system, it had to take a lot of time.

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