There was a time where it would seem unbelievable where all companies around the world would make people either take the mark of the beast or not do business. Those days of unbelievability are over. Actually they’ve been over for a quite a while. The only thing we’re seeing in recent days is their boldness. The global elites have momentum and not many seem to have the courage to stand up to them. Even if they did the global elites will cut them off before they could have momentum of their own. Twitter has routinely censored conservatives which would cause competition to rise. To combat that, platforms such as Apple and Google, who do not mind Chinese murderers and dictators, are considering to not carry apps needed to allow competition to exist. That’s what‘s happening to Parler. No matter what the reasons they have and will state, the two reasons they are considering this is they don’t want competition for Twitter or ideas. Those are the only two reasons. Both Apple and Google enjoy the benefits of slave labor and/or “sweatshop” labor, so they have no morals or integrity, yet they have the full belief they are better than you. Ricky Gervais made that point wonderfully during the open of the last Golden Globes. These immoral scumbags are our arbiters of truth and justice.

What has happened to Trump, being permanently suspended by Twitter, is just the wind-up before the fastball. It won’t stop there. Democratic lawmakers don’t want you to have free speech, so they love what social media platforms are doing. And make no mistake about it, YOU are the target. Not just conservatives. Anyone who has a differing opinion on any subject that they consider the law of the new world will be targeted.

Many years ago, progressives tried to bring about a new world order and pushed esperanto as the future world language. They had no morals either. They told the world with scientists behind them that the world was overpopulated and we needed eugenics to save it. They targeted the old, sick, and lame. Some targeted race. George Bernard Shaw said that people should be brought before a panel and give adequate reason as to why they should be allowed to live further. Those that don’t give adequate reason “should be killed in a kindly manner”. The extermination of the Jews happened because the Nazis were progressives. They listened to scientists and felt the Jews were useless, so they should be killed. At first, if the Jews could work, they were allowed to be their slaves, but their intention was always to kill them when they didn’t need them anymore. George Bernard Shaw cheered at the Nazis killing people by the thousands, that is until he found out they were targeting Jews. He complained that eugenics was not to target Jews. He just wanted people who weren’t able to carry their own weight to be killed. What a nice guy! The world listened to these progressives and scientists and thought they had to save the world. When the world saw the atrocities committed by the Nazis, especially in America, they realized the progressives were sick pukes who should be shunned forever. That history has unfortunately been forgotten by most.

In the future, global companies and government will force you to accept their ways. They’re already moving there. China has more power in America than an American citizen does. What China doesn’t like is removed. People who speak against China are condemned by American companies and media. Even athletes will speak out against you. Just ask Daryl Morey. Imagine someone who can perform great things that globalists believe is God what they would do for him. Heck, find a bank that would take your money then.

For doctrine purposes, people will receive a mark just as is written. I heard former pastor Arnold Murray say there won’t be an actual mark and Satan is just too smart for that. No matter what is written of the Antichrist, False Prophet, and Satan, they will follow what is written of them. What would differentiate someone to where they can buy, sell, or trade from someone that is not allowed? There has to be something people can show to be able to buy, sell, and trade in the global market.

*UPDATE* 1/10/21

Apple just suspended the Parler app from the app store.


Today revealed a lot. This was a place I predicted we would come to, and we’re just beginning. People have no faith in the electoral process, and why should they? There is no way the dems didn’t cheat to elect Biden. There was no way they weren’t going to cheat. They were going to take advantage of the Covid pandemic in a variety of ways, most of all when it came to the election. This is their nature. All dems today care about is power, and they will do ANYTHING to achieve it. Heck, Ted Kennedy was trying to enlist the help of the Soviets during the height of the Cold War to make Reagan a one term president. Power is their number one goal. The republicans don’t get this. Before one rule in these all “coincidental” battleground states was changed illegally, they should have made their stand to keep this election secure. Doing it after the election is futile. Many years ago I said the republicans do not know their enemy. Whether they see dems as their enemy is irrelevant because the dems see them as theirs. Anyone who gets in the way of dem power is.

I warned you about George Soros a long time ago. What is happening in America isn’t new. Read about the Rose, Orange, and Velvet revolutions, particularly the Velvet one. Decreasing Americans faith in institutions such as government, the media, and others is something Soros and the dems want from both sides of the aisle. If there is no faith, there is no participation or care. If there is no truth, or very little of it, nothing will be believed. If nothing is believable, then everything is believable because people will put forth their own stories and the loudest voices will have the largest followers. There is a page at the top of the site that gets into this a bit called “The Lost-Corruptible”. It’s my favorite piece on my site.

There was a riot today at the nation’s capitol. It seems as if they were right-wing. I say “seems” because of what current Hell resident Saul Alinsky did. He told his followers to dress as the KKK and put themselves into a crowd of people he wanted to look crazy. If you want to read one book to see what the left is all about, read “Rules For Radicals” by Alinsky, which he dedicated to Lucifer. These riots could have either been planned by Soros stooges, or provoked by Soros stooges by raising the temperature of the protesters . If they see a few acting lawlessly, then it spreads like a wildfire. Anything is possible, and that is what I just wrote about. If nothing is true, then everything is true. I’m not falling for what the left is doing. I just know my enemy.

If there were Trump supporters who planned this, then they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Trump is also to blame because he really made his followers believe this election was going to get overturned. A pipe dream beyond all pipe dreams. A woman died, seemingly unjustified. Law enforcement had their temperature raised also which means mistakes will be made. We’ll find out more about the woman and the situation in the coming days, but it doesn’t look good for the law enforcement officer. She just looked like a bystander. Tragic to say the least.

No matter what, Trump proved himself to be a jackass. I’m one who believed in what he was doing, even though some of the things he said and tweeted In the past had me scratching my head, but he did his best to expose the enemies within. He forced his enemies and America’s enemies within this nation to reveal themselves. He forced our so-called allies to stop taking advantage of the people of this nation. Not the government or big business, who the dems laughingly speak against, but the people. Jobs came back. Companies came back. The elites who glorify themselves hated him for it. He did a good job in his video address, but it was too late. A woman died. He should have known when you stoke anger, anger will be unleashed. Some things are inevitable once the path is given.

Those who rioted on the right, and let me make it clear, there were many who were on the right, you are ruining this nation you supposedly love. What will be the response from the left, just legislatively speaking? More freedom and liberty? Think again. These people are proof every side has their crazies.

It’s time to make your souls right. Read. Study. Study hard. This is where we are going. We don’t have much time. 2021 I believe will be as bad or worse than 2020. I hope I’m wrong. Civilization is crumbling.