We’ve been hearing a lot of hyperbole about the consequences of this midterm election from democrats, saying that democracy is at stake in this election. Why they are saying this lines up with things like cashless bail, open borders, and demonizing normal everyday Americans- it’s a pretext for the marxist war against the American people.

George Soros follows the same gameplan in the countries he has admittedly destroyed. The media demonizing Americans is one of those steps. The final two steps go hand-in-hand with one another. One, create or take advantage of a crisis surrounding an election. Two, take to the streets. Normal Americans won’t go out and commit violence, or at least enough of it to bring the country down so a marxist dystopia can take its place, so bring in new people from other countries here illegally, and open up the prisons. The ones that commit horrific crimes will not be detained, since the Soros-funded DA’s won’t prosecute them. Laws are passed to also keep them out on the streets after they commit crimes because they will be useful for the final step-take to the streets.

One “historian” on MSNBC said that if republicans win, children will be rounded up and killed. All of these people saying democracy is at stake, republicans are nazis, well they’re doing it for a reason, and it’s not bad politics. It’s a pretext for war. It’s like a black op. Putin being accurately accused of lying intentionally about what Ukrainians are planning so it gives him an excuse to commit atrocities is the same exact reason why the left is crying out that democracy is at stake and that republicans are coming to take and even kill children. This is their lying excuse for what they’re about to do. They will claim they have to do these horrible things to the American people to save and preserve their Orwellian term “democracy”. Criminals willl commit crimes against the people of this nation while not being prosecuted while those who defend themselves and their property will by these Soros-funded DA’s. AG Merrick Garland going after parents at school board meetings for protesting their children being taught about the sickest of perversions will continue on to other groups of people, especially dealing with Christian churches. The public will have few friends that they can turn to in the government. This is what they’re at least attempting to accomplish.

If they lose, they will come down hard on their political enemies, politician and citizen alike. If they win, they will also come down hard on their political enemies, politician and citizen alike. They have nothing but their own marxist dystopian self-interests in mind, but what these evil people don’t understand is all they are doing is setting up their father’s short-lived kingdom. At no other time has America been so much in the hands of the enemies of the constitution. Every term they use is Orwellian, co-opted to silence Americans, and even worse. As all marxists do, they accuse you of things they actually want to do or are doing themselves. And they say these things to have their insane marxist warriors do their dirty work, like so many marxist revolutions from the past. From the Bolshevik uprising to the Velvet Revolution, brainwashed scumbags will bring about Dystopia thinking they’re bringing Utopia. Many will be college educated having no education about history, or at least accurate history. Professors can’t exactly tell their students how the Iron Curtain came about. Every country behind it had their future in their hands. They just listened to what their lying marxist politicians, revolutionaries, and educators told them.

I emplore all of you if you were going to study one thing outside the Bible, study the Velvet Revolution done by Soros, and his boy Norm Eisen. If you read that, you will read America’s future.


Some, hopefully most of you might recognize the phrase “war with Eurasia”. This was the never ending, and perhaps “presently” fictional war in the Orwelle book 1984. The war was a way to control the minds of the people. If you weren’t wholeheartedly against Eurasia, you were a domestic enemy that needed re-educating. At the end, the protagonist Winston was re-educated. When asked how many fingers the man held up, Winston was brainwashed to the point where the number of fingers being held up was the number the state told him it was. Truth to the state was, and will always be a hindrance to their power. Every subject that the media and the ruling class are pushing is a war with Eurasia. “Don’t believe what you see. Believe what we tell you.”

Subjects such as race, police, Covid, education, words we use, climate change, religion, and protests/riots are used as psychological warfare against individual and independent thought. These are all battles that the ruling class say we have to be on board with or else we are a domestic enemy, and soon, terrorist. No matter what these people say, and most of it is absolutely outrageous and lunatic, there is a method to the madness. Critics might call them stupid, but they’re not. At least what they say is not. They’re on tv and saying those things for a reason. If they don’t, the powers that be will find another soulless troll to replace them.

The irony you should pay attention to isn’t what they say, which is always ironic, but the irony you should pay attention to was in 1984. At the beginning of his re-education, Winston recalls the war really wasn’t with Eurasia, but Eastasia. This tells us Eastasia won the war. It also tells us there had to be domestic enemies during the war with Eastasia that helped Eastasia win. It was the traitors in the war with Eastasia that were in charge of the state and the war with Eurasia. The traitors won. And in the United States, the traitors are winning. Since they are in control, they see you as the enemy of the state who needs re-educating. They obviously don’t live up to the ideals of the constitution, but you are the new enemy of America. A constitutionalist is an enemy of the state.

The reason they see enemies within America more than they do with China is because China is closer to what they want than the America set by the constitution. China is a communist country that has total control over its people. That is exactly what the ruling class wants here, but not just here. Conservative critics are pointing out that the democrats want total control of the government, but democrats are marxists. Marxists don’t just want control over a country. They want control over the entire world. Marxism is a global movement. It was designed to be so, and it will always be so. Is it any wonder that the book of Revelation says the rider of the white horse conquers the world? Marxism is the government that comes. We are in for troubled times, but at least in America it won’t always be so.

Eventually the global government falls, and it doesn’t take long. The wars in Revelation in a sense will be a war between east versus west. The enemies in our country who side with Eastasia (China) will be found out. This is inevitable. The kings of the east will then march west in the final battle. That will be China and any marxist nation on their side or nation they will take over.

I wanted to write this to have you look at the news differently. Also keep this in mind: when you hear conservatives who say that the media work for the democratic party, it’s actually the other way around. This isn’t hard to figure out when you look outside the small world of politics. Who has the money? The democratic party or the corporate owned media? It’s the democrat party that works for the media because the media is owned by corporations who love nothing more than globalism because globalism means total control and neverending profits. The other reason I wrote this was to remind you of what Jesus said. Let your heart not be troubled. These bad things will come to pass, but salvation will soon follow. He’s always in control. God bless!


Today revealed a lot. This was a place I predicted we would come to, and we’re just beginning. People have no faith in the electoral process, and why should they? There is no way the dems didn’t cheat to elect Biden. There was no way they weren’t going to cheat. They were going to take advantage of the Covid pandemic in a variety of ways, most of all when it came to the election. This is their nature. All dems today care about is power, and they will do ANYTHING to achieve it. Heck, Ted Kennedy was trying to enlist the help of the Soviets during the height of the Cold War to make Reagan a one term president. Power is their number one goal. The republicans don’t get this. Before one rule in these all “coincidental” battleground states was changed illegally, they should have made their stand to keep this election secure. Doing it after the election is futile. Many years ago I said the republicans do not know their enemy. Whether they see dems as their enemy is irrelevant because the dems see them as theirs. Anyone who gets in the way of dem power is.

I warned you about George Soros a long time ago. What is happening in America isn’t new. Read about the Rose, Orange, and Velvet revolutions, particularly the Velvet one. Decreasing Americans faith in institutions such as government, the media, and others is something Soros and the dems want from both sides of the aisle. If there is no faith, there is no participation or care. If there is no truth, or very little of it, nothing will be believed. If nothing is believable, then everything is believable because people will put forth their own stories and the loudest voices will have the largest followers. There is a page at the top of the site that gets into this a bit called “The Lost-Corruptible”. It’s my favorite piece on my site.

There was a riot today at the nation’s capitol. It seems as if they were right-wing. I say “seems” because of what current Hell resident Saul Alinsky did. He told his followers to dress as the KKK and put themselves into a crowd of people he wanted to look crazy. If you want to read one book to see what the left is all about, read “Rules For Radicals” by Alinsky, which he dedicated to Lucifer. These riots could have either been planned by Soros stooges, or provoked by Soros stooges by raising the temperature of the protesters . If they see a few acting lawlessly, then it spreads like a wildfire. Anything is possible, and that is what I just wrote about. If nothing is true, then everything is true. I’m not falling for what the left is doing. I just know my enemy.

If there were Trump supporters who planned this, then they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Trump is also to blame because he really made his followers believe this election was going to get overturned. A pipe dream beyond all pipe dreams. A woman died, seemingly unjustified. Law enforcement had their temperature raised also which means mistakes will be made. We’ll find out more about the woman and the situation in the coming days, but it doesn’t look good for the law enforcement officer. She just looked like a bystander. Tragic to say the least.

No matter what, Trump proved himself to be a jackass. I’m one who believed in what he was doing, even though some of the things he said and tweeted In the past had me scratching my head, but he did his best to expose the enemies within. He forced his enemies and America’s enemies within this nation to reveal themselves. He forced our so-called allies to stop taking advantage of the people of this nation. Not the government or big business, who the dems laughingly speak against, but the people. Jobs came back. Companies came back. The elites who glorify themselves hated him for it. He did a good job in his video address, but it was too late. A woman died. He should have known when you stoke anger, anger will be unleashed. Some things are inevitable once the path is given.

Those who rioted on the right, and let me make it clear, there were many who were on the right, you are ruining this nation you supposedly love. What will be the response from the left, just legislatively speaking? More freedom and liberty? Think again. These people are proof every side has their crazies.

It’s time to make your souls right. Read. Study. Study hard. This is where we are going. We don’t have much time. 2021 I believe will be as bad or worse than 2020. I hope I’m wrong. Civilization is crumbling.


I’ve been saying for a while now that there are forces that are driving this creation to the end purposely to gain power. George Soros is the head of this worldly powergrab. Soros knows and was taught that the world must go through horrific things in order to remold it to his liking. This isn’t a moral issue with him. It’s only about power. George Soros claims he is a Jew, but he isn’t. He’s a Kenite. Jesus described such people in Rev. 2:9 and 3:9, even saying in 3:9 that the synagogue of Satan will be started by those who say they are Jewish but are not. The synagogue of Satan… think of that for a moment. Those who say they are Jews but aren’t are called Kenites. They are sons and daughters of Cain who was the son of Satan. Satan was the serpent that beguiled Eve as was revealed in Rev. 20:2. God told the serpent that his seed and the woman’s seed would have enmity towards one another. That’s right, Satan had a child with Eve. Cain was the first of his offspring and he killed Abel. Enmity. After Cain was banished and married a woman of a different race, his descendants became known as Kenites. Most settled in Canaan and Midian. Moses married a Kenite in Midian as was revealed in Judges 1:16. When the Jews went through the wilderness and fought their enemies in Canaan, the Kenites helped. Not that the Kenites were kind to the Jews, but since they were so similar to the Jews they had the same enemies. From that point forth, the Jews took the Kenites along with them. In 1st Chr. 2:55, the Kenites were appointed to be scribes because they had the gift of convincing the masses of their interpretation of the law. Throughout the years, Kenites being power-hungry just as Satan was put themselves in positions of power. “Woe to thee, scribes, Pharisees, hypocrites!…” Remember that line Jesus repeated? He was talking to the Kenites. The reason why the Kenites had a gift of convincing the masses was because the serpent/Satan was subtle and manipulative. They were great at hiding their true intentions. Truth is something they have no respect for. George Soros claims he is Jewish but speaks and acts against the nation of Israel. Enmity. He isn’t the only one. Noam Chomsky, Medea Benjamin, and others claim they are Jews but are not. They are liars. They are Kenites that want a New World Order from which to rule.

Soros was president of the Fabian Socialists Society, which was started by such people like George Bernard Shaw and H. G. Wells. They came up with a stained glass window where they are pictured hammering a heated Earth with another man fanning the flames. The other founding members are pictured below. Above Wells and Shaw is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Deceipt. Show a kindly hand while hiding the evil one. Above the wolf is a caption that reads “Remould It Nearer To The Heart’s Desire”. A picture of this will be below this post. The world must burn and it will soon be burning on purpose by George Soros and those along with him. He’s practiced on other nations for decades, but now has his sights on the United States because as he stated in the past, the United States was in the way of forming a New World Order. It isn’t in the way any longer. Soros has found his wolf in sheep’s clothing, and his name is Barack Obama. This isn’t even worth arguing against because I have everything I need to back up that claim.

The world isn’t burning yet, but it soon will be. Soros has brought about regime change in other nations through subversive activities and found it fun. Those are his words, not mine. It could happen here anytime. Politicians on both sides say that a financial collapse could happen, but we’re a long way off. That is a lie and they know it. The United States will soon collapse on every front economically and it will be nearly instantaneous. It won’t be gradual. In one hour shall the United States fall. The purposeful overspending, the unfunded mandates, and the devaluing of the dollar are teaming together for the perfect financial storm to collapse the country and then the entire world. It is what comes after that will address who you are as a human being.

The federal government and the state goverments will all be broke and there will be no way to pay for those things they promised. City, state, and federal services will be shut down. Checks people need and worked their lives for will not come. Pensions will be gone. It will be utter chaos and designed to get you out in the streets to violently call for change. Will you? Will you violently call for change or will you be those to ask the government to impose martial law to clamp down on the violence? Either way, you will lose. There are people already waiting to go out into the streets just so you would ask the government to become more overbearing. To throw the Constitution out with the rest of the garbage and start with something new. Something that will bring about security for the entire world. That, my friends is what this is all about.

Those who are planning this want normal everyday citizens to go out to the streets and create or participate in violence. They especially want Christians and conservatives to go out there as the media will be eager to catch every frame. When you Christians don’t erupt in violence, they’ll poke you. They’ll prod you. They will instigate with the greatest of ambition to get you to become violent. When you don’t, they will. They will even pose as you Christians and commit violent acts so Christians will be blamed. Don’t fall for it. It’s been done already.

Saul Alinsky is a martyr to far-left radicals such as Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. His book “Rules For Radicals” was an instruction guide to defame traditionalists to gain power. This book was also dedicated to Lucifer for being the first radical to carve out a kingdom of his own. Alinsky was a community organizer in Chicago (sound familiar?) that taught his followers to dress as the Klan to pose as the other side to humiliate them and take their power away. Recently Maurice Schwenkler vandalized DNC headquarters in Denver to make it look like people opposed to Obamacare did it during the height of the health care debates in 2009. He was paid by Colorado Citizens Coalition, which is a front for labor organizations, namely SEIU, who gets money from George Soros. He worked for a democratic politican as a canvasser. He is also transgendered. A link to the video of a news report will be below. Alinsky 101.

To debate on whether this could happen here will get you nowhere because it’s going to come anyway. Whether you could believe such a thing could happen here is irrelevant. Time is the great truth decipherer and time will prove me correct because these things have to come to pass. This plot which has been flawlessly executed can end in only one way… collapse. A story as big as this cannot end until its just, due season. After it comes, stay above the fray. Don’t go out into the streets. Don’t feed the frenzy outdoors. Don’t vacuously ask for the government to clamp down to take your freedoms away. After 9/11, we already showed we are willing to give up some freedoms for the feeling of safety and security. That was one event in just a couple of places. What will people be willing to give up when everything around them collapses and the radical youth has been given their working orders? I, too will stay above the fray and I’m starting right now. I won’t think of Soros and his acolytes as enemies with equal power. They are far below me and they will soon be my footstool. Mine and those who find salvation. I will rise above the fray and will do so for the rest of my days. The muck is there for them to play in. It is their sanctuary. You be prepared and don’t say you weren’t warned. If you read this before it happened or after, all you had to do was open your eyes and not think “it can’t happen here”. Whether it can or can’t, it will.


At the turn of the year, I said to my friends that this year would be the year of the great divide. What I meant by that is that the line of right and wrong; the line of good and evil would be so clear that it should be inescapable to make the choice for all humanity. This is nowhere near the final decision, but depending on where you fall with this decision it will either help you or impede you with the ultimate decision. I’ve written a few posts on George Soros and I know what he’s thinking and what he has planned. I knew this would be the year when he would begin the collapse. I have to say that I didn’t think it would begin this quickly and so conclusively. Before the first two months of the year came and went, there were overthrows in Tunisia and Egypt with Libya and other Arab nations soon to follow. After Libya and Syria is done, Saudi Arabia will be next. This was all planned for a specific time just as this for years by those wanting worldwide revolution and a New World Order. To make way for a New World Order the composers of the revolution knew the world must first burn before reforming it. Change couldn’t come if things were great or good or even mediocre. Only from turmoil can the world reform. Change also couldn’t come if the most powerful nation on Earth was still standing. That nation might only strengthen if the rest of the world fell since businesses and persons would then flock to this nation with their ideas and capital. This is what most of this blog will be about. The orchestrated tearing down of this nation.

The United States by way of the U.S. Constitution, became the most powerful and richest nation on Earth. No other nation came up with a constitution who’s intention was to limit the power of government. The idea of self-governance was a unique experiment to America alone. People from all around the world saw the freedom and opportunity America had to offer, so this nation became a nation of immigrants. Freedom and opportunity go hand-in-hand. Not everyone saw this as a great thing.

For decades, those that didn’t learn the lesson of Nimrod and the Tower of Babel wanted to change the world into a worldwide socialistic government without borders. They came up with ideas on how to do this and the one thing that stood in their way was the United States because of the Constitution. By far most of these people are atheists who have hollowed themselves out and rendered their souls silent. Because of this, they became vulnerable to the one who’s fall came because of his desire for power. Since then, he has owned them whether they’re aware of it or not.

Saul Alinsky was a devout marxist and wrote a very strategic book on how to take over power. Alinsky was an admitted atheistic hater of Israel. Something seemingly inherent amongst marxists. Alinsky and his ilk knew that the system of America must collapse in a variety of ways in order for those organized to take advantage of. President Obama, the Clintons, and many on the left see Alinsky as their martyr who dedicated his book “Rules For Radicals” to Lucifer for being the first radical to carve out his own kingdom.

For decades, those that wanted worldwide revolution have infiltrated every facet of our daily lives including the media, government, educational system, and even pop culture. Most are just mentally and spiritually weak people who think revolution would be a good thing without looking at the results of the vast history of workers revolutions. There have been and are numerous members of the US government that have intently spent too much money to collapse the system. It has especially come to fruition the past decade, but the idea was hatched long ago by people such as James Cloward and Frances Fox Piven. Even they got their idea from what happened with the workers revolutions in Russia and Europe.

George Soros has in the past given money to politicians and media members in other countries to push forth spending programs the nations could not afford. At that same very time he would bet against that nation’s currency. He did this not only to make money, but also gain power and learn for his biggest target – the United States. The people under Soros have spent this country and many states and municipalities within it to the point of collapse. At the same very time, he is betting against the dollar. Soros has made himself rich and powerful with his group called the Quantum Fund by hedging against nations he is manipulating. All of these social programs that are pushed by those who receive his funding are aimed at collapsing the system and to also use for subversion. Those who try to take away these programs or reform them to avoid certain collapse will be mocked and scorned by the media he controls. He has talked about how much fun he has had overthrowing regimes through subversive activities. He said that when those things happen that many people wind up being unintentionally hurt in the process. How unintentional would that be to use people to implode sitting regimes and then calling it “fun”?

I wrote early on election day in “George Soros: Author of the Future Collapse of America” that the election results would mean nothing. America is in such huge debt, purposely and pre-ordained, that any new hit to our economy would spell the end of this nation as we know it. Unemployment is a friend to Soros and his acolytes because those people are potential revolutionary “useful idiots” that just might violently call for change without giving one thought into what they will be about to give birth to. Since election day’s results were in favor of republicans, it gave Soros and his media an enemy to target.

Many states are on the verge of collapse as well. Whether or not Soros knew the people would turn towards conservatives during this last election cycle, he was definitely prepared. Soros’ allies, the union hierarchy are now sowing the first seeds of revolution. Soros as he has done in other nations has paid members of the media to push forth a certain agenda even when ratings are abysmal and circulations are at record low numbers.

As I said, I knew 2011 would be the year of the great divide. Revolutions are taking place in the Arab world with international socialists behind the movement. The collusion is undeniable. The revolutions in the Arab world got favorable press. The same will happen here to a point with George Soros at the helm. He has scoured the sewers looking for the worst humanity has to offer to do his dirty work. He will continue the scouring. To this point, he has worked with Islamic terrorist sympathizers, murderers, anarchists, and even an accused pedaphile. He doesn’t care what they’ve done. All he cares about is if they hate America and are willing to do his bidding, all designed to collapse the world and then intimidate, and if they have to, kill people into submission. This is the beginning of the end of this age. It will be the atheists, the Jew-haters and the Christian-haters that will drive the Word to fulfillment.


The Kenites are a race of people that even many of the more educated Christians don’t really know much about. I have had discussions with some of these people in explaining who the Kenites were and they have trouble accepting it, but in this blog I will try to make it as conclusive as possible. The Kenites are a very important group of people, especially in this day and age. They have been steering our creation to the end by using their gift of subtly manipulating the people who have hollowed themselves empty by not accepting God and the written Word. The Kenites in the meantime have tarnished the legacy of the Jews, who just happen to be a close relation to the Kenites. Many things the hardened blame the Jews for really have been perpetrated by the Kenites. You will see the difference between the Jews and the Kenites after reading this.

In the early Old Testament days, groups of people were either named for their race or where they lived, such as the Canaanites that lived in Canaan. The Kenites however were a nomadic group, hence they were their own race. Many, if not most settled in Canaan and Midian. If the Kenites were a race of people, how did they come about? Cain went east into the land of Nod after he killed his brother Abel, and then married a woman. Their offspring became known as Kenites. In Genesis 4:17, the line of Cain separates from the line of Adam. Even with Cain’s punishment, if he was the son of Adam the bloodline of Adam would have continued through him. I’ll get into that more later. Generations after entering Israel with the Jews, Kenites became an integral part of Jewish society. As it says in 1st Chr. 2:55, the Kenites were appointed to be scribes due to their ability to interpret and convince the masses of their interpretation of the law. Speaking of the law, Moses’ own wife and father-in-law were Kenites. When Moses was banished from Egypt, he found himself in Midian where he would meet his wife. Judges 1:16 reveals that Moses’ father-in-law was a Kenite. Moses’ wife and father-in-law were Kenites that lived in Midian. Given that the Kenites were their own race, but yet the Israelites including Moses took them in, as well as marrying one, they had to be very similar to the Jews.

Still not convinced? Jesus in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 spoke about people who say they are Jews, but are not. He called them liars. Even though there really is no way to know for sure, if anyone speaks factually about something and they’re wrong about it, that makes them a liar in Jesus’ eyes. Notwithstanding that, Jesus was really saying they lie regularly. It’s who they are. So who could be this race of people who say they are Jews, but are not? Who else is written that could possibly fit the mold? Only the Kenites fit those who say they are Jews but really are not.

The Kenites were descendants of Cain, but Cain wasn’t the descendant of Adam. The serpent was the father of Cain, and as was revealed in Rev. 12:9 & 20:2 the serpent was Satan. Read Gen. 3 carefully where the serpent beguiled Eve. God told the serpent that his seed and the woman’s seed would have enmity towards one another. Would God tell a snake that his seed and the woman’s seed would have enmity? Sure Eve gave birth to both, but Satan only fathered Cain. Cain killed Abel and was motivated in the same exact manner God told the serpent. Cain was tormented by the good works of his brother. That was only partially fulfilled with them. It still goes on today and will in this generation come to full fruition. The Kenites have all the traits Satan had. They have it in them to be good liars. They are subtle. They are manipulative. They are very convincing. They are power-hungry, just as Satan was since his fall came because he wanted to become God. They are also great at hiding their true intentions. Most importantly, the Kenites have it in them to hate Jews, Christians, Israel, America, and God. It’s innate, but not destined to come to pass with all of them. Some, however have made their life’s choice.

The Kenites started off as allies to the Jews since they had common enemies, but as time went on they went in the way of their father. As I said before, they had a gift to convince the masses of their interpretation of the law. They didn’t stop there. Over the years they put themselves in positions of power since they are power-hungry and very convincing. When Jesus was alive, He spoke about the scribes and Pharisees being hypocrites. Do you think maybe Jesus was speaking directly to the Kenites? When Jesus had the chance to go free, which was not hHis preordained destiny, it was the Kenite scribes and Pharisees that helped to get the crowd shouting “crucify Him!” while desiring for the release of the criminal Barrabas. Enmity. Who could convince a crowd to be so hateful but the Kenite?

The Kenites in recent history have been setting up the New World Order by way of socialism. Karl Marx is thought of as a Jew, but all you have to do is look at the way he conducted his life. He was able to convince people that his way was right, but inwardly was a ravenous wolf which is why he also wanted to control the media and outlaw religion. He didn’t want the people to have anything greater than he was. Godless people with a god complex. His desire to control the press should convince all that he had no genuine concern for the “have nots” or was at all interested in social justice. Marx didn’t see those days he wished for, but his disciples Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Mao Tse Tung, and Pol Pot all used his idea of playing on the covetousness of the working class to threaten and eventually kill the rich just to make the surviving haves play ball not with the working class, but the elite revolutionaries. This was his scheme. This was his intention. Lenin was the first to use it. He acted as if he were an ally to the working class people, the unions, and the young students. He puppeteered every move they made. How did he describe these people? He called them “useful idiots”. What people thought of as Marx’s idea of fairness was really his idea of power and control over the people. Things that are certainly against their best interests. That is why Lenin called those that got behind him “useful idiots” instead of “allies”. All you would have to do is see what his idea has given birth to. They all made populist speeches that got enough people behind them and they all became dictators. Everyone of those governments killed people and took away their will. Even in Western Europe, pseudo-socialism found its failures. President Obama points towards capitalism’s failures, but there are no success stories of socialism because socialism wasn’t intended to be successful. It’s all about manipulation and power. Only a Kenite could have birthed such an idea. Satan’s subtlety within his Kenite seed.

Today Kenites are lawyers. They are members of the media. They are people in the entertainment industry. They are in the educational system. Anywhere where they have a voice to be heard from, you can be sure that the Kenites are there. Where people are manipulating money, you can be sure that there are Kenites somewhere around. Not all lawyers with Jewish names are Kenites and not all Kenites are evil. In fact, most probably are not. They do have that evil gene in them though. They are all of Cain, and Cain was of that Wicked One (1st John 3:12).

If you looked up Revelation 3:9, you will see some disturbing things. Those who come up with the synagogue of Satan will be by those who say they are Jews, but are not. If this is the generation where the Word will be fulfilled, then who would do such a thing. Who could fit? It would have to be someone that says they are Jewish, but yet have a deep-seeded hatred for the Jews and Israel. Satan’s seed and the woman’s seed having enmity with one another. It would have to be someone rich. It would have to be someone that has amassed many allies who are easily seduced with his ideas of a new Utopia. It would have to be someone that hates Christianity as well and have the desire to make a one world government the new religion, since they are power-hungry just as Satan was. It would have to be someone that wants to take America down since America puts nothing between a man’s relationship with God and was founded upon an idea to keep government powerless so it doesn’t become it’s own god. Is there someone that is trying to infiltrate churches through subtlety to push the congregation away from Christ and the written Word towards accepting things that aren’t written and the coming one world government? Yes there is, and his name is George Soros.

I have had a couple of word searches that lead to my website that had “Soros Kenite” in them. Wise people. Very wise. I will leave links to a few posts I have written recently about Soros, but I’ve been writing about him for a while now away from the political mindset. Just because he gives money to political figures and towards minions that take down their opponents, it doesn’t mean he has a political ideology persay. He is a self-avowed socialist, but it’s what he has actually done and what he says he wants done that you should be keeping an eye on. Soros the master Kenite, will hide behind his Jewish logo and accuse anyone that is against him of anti-Semitism even though he himself hates Jews. Mostly, the term “self-hating Jews” describe people who aren’t Jewish at all. They are either Kenites or are those who are under the spell of the Kenites. Read the posts I have written about Soros and see where he wants to go.

The synagogue of Satan will be partnered by at least one Christian church. There will be a false prophet afterall, who will have two horns like a lamb, which identifies him as a Christian in the eyes of the world. The False Prophet will be the leader of a Christian denomination, but will speak as the Devil. Soros will probably be the one to appoint him, as will he the leader of the New World Order when it comes. Soros intends to be the man behind the curtains. He relishes that role. Someone else can have the glory for every eye to see. This will be the Antichrist, the rider of the White Horse, and the Beast. It is soon after that Soros will get something he did not foresee or want.

For those who think they can enlighten me about the Judeans being the only godly tribe, or Jew-haters who think you know the real truth on things, I refer you to the page “Attention Jew-Haters:” listed at the top of the site. I have reached the limit of my patience for discussing such things.

UPDATED 9/30/13 I have recently discovered a most enlightening mistranslation in the KJV that proves what I’ve written here is 100% correct. Numbers 24:21-22 “And he looked on the Kenites and took up his parable, and said ‘Strong is your dwellingplace, and you put your nest in a rock. 22 Nevertheless, the *Kenite* shall be wasted, until Asshur shall carry you away captive.'” The word “Kenites” was correct, but the word “Kenite” with the asterisk above was mistranslated. The original Hebrew word was none other than “Cain”. Look it up. This proves that Kenites were of the line of Cain and that despite this being after the flood of Noah, that the line of Cain never broke. When I discovered this, I could only believe that Satan had his influence on this mistranslation. This, unlike maybe some other KJV mistranslations, was not an accident. Imagine if it was common knowledge that Kenites were descendants of Cain, it would enlighten many people. Anyone that doesn’t believe that Cain’s line were the Kenites, point this out to them. This is perhaps the most important mistranslation in the KJV. Spread the word. For those who question my doctrine that Moses’ father in law was a Kenite by race, this same mistranslation shows up in Judges 4:11 “Now Heber the *Kenite*, which was of the children of Hobab, the father in law of Moses, had separated himself from the Kenites, and pitched his tent unto the plain of Zaanaim, which is by Kadesh.” The word “Kenite” surrounded by asterisks again was “Cain” in the original Hebrew, which proves Moses’ father in law was indeed a Kenite by blood. I had a lot of disagreement over this in the comments section below. One even took God’s name in vain in his argument, but I was proven right.

There is a newer post that is actually much better than this one. I would erase this post if not for the comments on it, because the new one is more informative. It’s called “The Definitive Work On Kenites, Cain, And The Seed Of Satan”.


I felt compelled to write a second part to my last blog since new information has been brought to attention. Last week, Glenn Beck aired in three parts his investigation of George Soros. A week before his series on Soros started, I wrote my post. I have been writing here and there about Soros in my posts and in the comments sections about who he truly is for a long time. I even wrote Mr. Beck a couple of times asking him to look into Soros outside of the ideological realm. Finally someone publically took the ideological blinders off and looked into why the greatest capitalist of all time was spewing his hatred for it and so were his “friends”. As I said in the first part, his words and actions have not been congruent. Typical marxist.

As good as Beck’s three show expose was about Soros, I’m surprised that it took someone this long. Perhaps even those critical of Soros either thought his history was irrelevant or they were simply ignorant of it. The left would protect Soros at all costs because he owns them. I’m delighted, but why did it take so long to look into this man’s past of manipulating currencies in other nations, has said he wants a New World Order, and has also spoken out against America being a hinderance to the existence of a one world government and not put it together until now? Beck did expose new bits of information that I didn’t know about, such as Soros bragging about bringing about regime change in other countries through subversive tactics. That very much verifies what my last post about Soros has said. A telling piece of new information was when a friend of Soros met with Beck’s producer a month ago saying “America’s ship has already sailed”. Not only do I believe this was said, but also believe America’s ship has sailed. It hasn’t collapsed yet, but it will happen soon.

I knew about Soros’ hatred for Israel, but didn’t know about his mother being anti-Semitic. I knew about Soros’ involvement with the Judenrat as a teenager and described that year as being the happiest year of his life. Hopefully enough people also saw this. I knew he manipulated currencies by funding politicians and media and then bet against those very nation’s currencies (doing the same here in America), but didn’t know about his overlord role in regime changes in Asian countries and then bragged about it. There was also what Soros said, that devaluing the dollar is a good thing, which should leave no question any further as to his intentions of bringing down America and is more than willing to hurt the poor despite the message put forth by his cronies that they want to redistribute the wealth for social justice. They have no intention of doing so, though. Beck and his staff did very good work. I just wish it had been done sooner. Finally, at least someone took him out of the ideological realm. As I said in the last blog,  painting him in an ideological way helps him. That makes the right hate him and the left love him while the truth evades all.

I asked a very important question to you in that last blog. If he has done this in other nations: funding politicians and members of the media to push forth programs that cause the country to go bankrupt while betting against that nation’s currency, then what do you think he’s doing here? But there’s more to it than that. Those other nations were just practice and capital for his plan for America. A plan perfected. He has said he wants America’s power to be gone so a New World Order to come. He said that years ago, but now has changed his tune. We aren’t in the way anymore. We are willing accomplices since we elected his wolf in sheep’s clothing. He wants this not for ideology, but for more money and power. He thinks will be in a sense the leader of the world, but intends to remain the man behind the curtains. It’s a role he likes and is comfortable with.

That plan has made the collaborative attack on American traditionalists, Christians, and Israel a bit more sensible from his point of view. Soros is an atheist that believes he is godlike and thinks it’s his destiny to reshape the world. Perhaps it is. While many on the right believe the media attacks anyone that gets in Obama’s way, they actually attack anyone that gets in Soros’ way. Most of these people are also atheists who have rendered themselves hollow. They have opened their souls to the Wicked One, and now he has them. Without their knowledge, they are now slaves to his will. While many of these atheists that are trying to bring about a one world government accuse Christians of wanting the end of the age to come, it will be the atheist that is driving this ship to fulfillment of the Word. While Soros is not the Antichrist, he will put him in power. The rider of the white horse is coming.


That’s a question that has perplexed man for centuries. Even moreso now does this question come up. Some of the answers from paranoid speculators are pretty funny. No, it’s not President Bush. The Bible does give clues as to who the Antichrist will be and what his origin will be. Don’t just look at a world figure you don’t like and say “AHA!” That’s just dumb. Try actually reading for once.

In Daniel chapters 2 and 7 it reveals the origin of the Antichrist. It says the fourth kingdom to come will be diverse from the others. Their reign will not last forever but there will be a revival of this empire. Nowhere does it actually say revival but it mentions how this kingdom will reform. The fourth kingdom that took over Israel was the Roman Empire, so the Antichrist will come from the revival of this Roman Empire.

Many speculate that the European Union is this revival of the Roman Empire. I happen to agree with that speculation. This revival will have ten kings, which means countries. Then the eleventh country from this revival of the Roman Empire will be diverse from the others. This is where the Antichrist will come from. It says the prince of that nation will speak great things against the Almighty. If the speculators are correct, then it will be the eleventh nation to join the European Union. The eleventh is a little foggy because Spain and Portugal both came in at the same time. So which one will it be if this is true? The eleventh nation, according to prophecy, will bring in three more. Spain had a big hand in bringing the next three countries. Madrid is also where a lot of the power of the EU lies.

So if the speculators are correct, then the Antichrist will have to come from the nation of Spain. Many wise Christians believe it is King Juan Carlos, but I have reason to believe it is not him, which I will get to. It’s certainly not President Bush, Barack Obama, Rupert Murdoch, Bill Clinton, or Spongebob Squarepants. It has to be a person from Europe, even if the EU isn’t what Daniel’s prophecy speaks of, and it has to be from the eleventh nation of this rising empire.

There are other clues in the Bible about the Antichrist. One is that his name will fit the six-six-six number. It does say it is the number of his name. Six letters in each his first, middle, and last name.

Also the Bible subtly gives a time when he would be born. Jesus said that Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles until their times be fulfilled (Luke 21:24). He gave more signs of the end and said this generation shall not pass away until all things be done. That happened in 1967 after Israel rightfully took back the rest of Jerusalem. The Antichrist would have to be born sometime after that.

Now what will be the role of the Antichrist? The Antichrist is a human being with the spirit of Satan inside him. Halfway through the tribulation the Antichrist will die. Yes, he will die. It will happen in a war with a wound to the head. Three days later he will seemingly rise again. Nearly all will be in awe, except for the 7000 members of the election of grace. He rises again after Satan gives him back his life. Satan will also be kicked down to earth with his nephilim (fallen [plural] in Hebrew). The Beast will have three and a half years of trying to convince everyone to accept him as their god. To simply just say you’re going to know he’s not will not prepare you for how convincing he will be or how needy you will be. It will feel like you need to accept him as your god just to stay alive and be better off. He, along with his fallen angels will play on every magnified human weakness that will be exposed during the events of the tribulation period. Jesus says in Matthew 24 that he and others will be so convincing that only the election of grace will not be convinced for at least a moment. The election of grace are not allowed to be swayed or convinced. Everyone else for at least a period of time will be inclined to.