While many so-called geniuses today basically claim that evolution is a proven fact, and even have many people of faith concede this, here are some questions that thoroughly disprove the theory of evolution. These questions will stand up to the scrutiny of any possible contention by elitist intellectuals. This will be short and sweet.

1. Why are there still dogs and cats? Why are there many species lower on the evolutionary scale still in existence? We’ve evolved from them, right? So why do they still exist? I can see maybe a couple of species just below us still hanging around, but there are still rodents around, if you simply stick with this class of species. If you include insects, there are well more than a million different types of insect alone.

2. Where are our ancestors between us and monkeys? I don’t see any. If we have evolved from them, but there are still many species of monkeys, then where are our ancestors? If some great environmental cataclysm happened that wiped them out, then again why are there still monkeys? Didn’t our ancestors evolve from monkeys? So weren’t they better equipped to deal with an environmental crisis than monkeys were? Even if something took them all out, we’re here. How did we get here if all our ancestors died off? How did we go from them to us if they no longer existed? Not to mention if somehow we got here through them after they got wiped out or it happened before they were wiped out, if evolution was real new neanderthals would be created all of the time. We’re here and monkeys are here, then so should neanderthals through the process of evolution. Neanderthals weren’t our relatives. They were us from the first earth age. As the Bible clearly states, there was a time before Adam was here where some among our creation were permanently judged from.

3. How does a species decide that it needed eyes to see, then have the ability to grow them? How does any species decide it needed a certain bodypart and grow it?

4. Why would a species decide it didn’t need to fly anymore? Wouldn’t flying for a land animal be the ultimate ability to help for survival? So why would land animals get rid of that ability? Men have looked to fly for millennia and need machines to do so today, so why would a species higher up the evolutionary chart than birds or bats get rid of the ability to fly?

5. When have we witnessed one species give birth to a different species? Of the millions of different species there are on earth, we have witnessed no species give life to a different species. We’ve been looking for almost two hundred years since Darwin, and we haven’t witnessed one change in species? A fire ant will only have fire ants and goldfish will only have goldfish. A robin will only have robins and humans will only have humans.

These questions can be elaborated with more examples and reasoning, but I’ll leave that up to you. Do not give in to scientists and the idea that if you oppose them that you aren’t intelligent. Don’t let this idea that pervades our society keep you from opposing things you know scientists are wrong about. Scientists are constantly wrong, and today’s scientists will be tomorrow’s fools. It has always been that way. Time is the great truth decipherer and time will reveal all things. Even God uses time.