There was a time where it would seem unbelievable where all companies around the world would make people either take the mark of the beast or not do business. Those days of unbelievability are over. Actually they’ve been over for a quite a while. The only thing we’re seeing in recent days is their boldness. The global elites have momentum and not many seem to have the courage to stand up to them. Even if they did the global elites will cut them off before they could have momentum of their own. Twitter has routinely censored conservatives which would cause competition to rise. To combat that, platforms such as Apple and Google, who do not mind Chinese murderers and dictators, are considering to not carry apps needed to allow competition to exist. That’s what‘s happening to Parler. No matter what the reasons they have and will state, the two reasons they are considering this is they don’t want competition for Twitter or ideas. Those are the only two reasons. Both Apple and Google enjoy the benefits of slave labor and/or “sweatshop” labor, so they have no morals or integrity, yet they have the full belief they are better than you. Ricky Gervais made that point wonderfully during the open of the last Golden Globes. These immoral scumbags are our arbiters of truth and justice.

What has happened to Trump, being permanently suspended by Twitter, is just the wind-up before the fastball. It won’t stop there. Democratic lawmakers don’t want you to have free speech, so they love what social media platforms are doing. And make no mistake about it, YOU are the target. Not just conservatives. Anyone who has a differing opinion on any subject that they consider the law of the new world will be targeted.

Many years ago, progressives tried to bring about a new world order and pushed esperanto as the future world language. They had no morals either. They told the world with scientists behind them that the world was overpopulated and we needed eugenics to save it. They targeted the old, sick, and lame. Some targeted race. George Bernard Shaw said that people should be brought before a panel and give adequate reason as to why they should be allowed to live further. Those that don’t give adequate reason “should be killed in a kindly manner”. The extermination of the Jews happened because the Nazis were progressives. They listened to scientists and felt the Jews were useless, so they should be killed. At first, if the Jews could work, they were allowed to be their slaves, but their intention was always to kill them when they didn’t need them anymore. George Bernard Shaw cheered at the Nazis killing people by the thousands, that is until he found out they were targeting Jews. He complained that eugenics was not to target Jews. He just wanted people who weren’t able to carry their own weight to be killed. What a nice guy! The world listened to these progressives and scientists and thought they had to save the world. When the world saw the atrocities committed by the Nazis, especially in America, they realized the progressives were sick pukes who should be shunned forever. That history has unfortunately been forgotten by most.

In the future, global companies and government will force you to accept their ways. They’re already moving there. China has more power in America than an American citizen does. What China doesn’t like is removed. People who speak against China are condemned by American companies and media. Even athletes will speak out against you. Just ask Daryl Morey. Imagine someone who can perform great things that globalists believe is God what they would do for him. Heck, find a bank that would take your money then.

For doctrine purposes, people will receive a mark just as is written. I heard former pastor Arnold Murray say there won’t be an actual mark and Satan is just too smart for that. No matter what is written of the Antichrist, False Prophet, and Satan, they will follow what is written of them. What would differentiate someone to where they can buy, sell, or trade from someone that is not allowed? There has to be something people can show to be able to buy, sell, and trade in the global market.

*UPDATE* 1/10/21

Apple just suspended the Parler app from the app store.


This is a question many ask because of an all too common doctrine espoused by the Catholic Church that is based on nothing that is written. I can’t say 100% that she wasn’t, because it doesn’t say she wasn’t. That’s like saying Jesus was a poor carpenter. Nowhere does it say He was or wasn’t. I can safely say Jesus was not a poor carpenter, and Mary Magdalene was not a prostitute. That would have been an important fact to leave out.

Another related question is “was Jesus married?” No He wasn’t, and I can be conclusive about that. Sure it doesn’t say He wasn’t, but His wedding hasn’t happened yet. Those from our creation who will be judged as faithful will be Jesus’ bride. Jesus wasn’t here to get married, and I’m sure He knew He was not allowed to. Just like it was forbidden for the angels to have relations with human women, Jesus being the Son of God was also forbidden. The nephilim did what they were forbidden to do, as did Satan.

I do find it a bit amusing that those who push the nonsense that Jesus was married are the same people that don’t believe in the Bible, and just fairly recently acknowledged the very existence of Jesus at all. Only after there was too overwhelming evidence did they stop denying Jesus ever existed. Now these people are all of a sudden biblical experts? Please. “Well, you don’t know for certain He wasn’t married”. “What’s wrong with asking questions?” Yes, I do know for certain, and the moment you’re not pretending like you’re not trying to tear down the Bible, you can ask questions to show it actually looks like you’ve read.


Many years ago when I was first called to read, I came to realize quickly that the prophecies of the Bible would be fulfilled in my lifetime. Actually it was even before I started reading. I wasn’t raised in a religious home. Far from it. Even still I always had something in me that told me what time I was living in. I was at a friend’s restaurant when the Oklahoma City bombing happened in 1995. A great Greek family. Hours after the bombing, the father said “would you look at this ****”?!” I was horrified but of my mouth came “yeah, but it’s okay though.” He gave me an odd look to say the least. In response to his look I said “don’t you have the feeling that all of these bad things are building to a climax and that one day something will happen in our lifetime that will change everything?” Another person in his family said “I do”. Then he gave us both weird looks. At that time I couldn’t even quote John 3:16. I was very biblically illiterate. I was actually a self-professed atheist even though I knew there was a God, who He was, that Jesus was the Messiah, and the Bible was genuinely God’s word. I had no knowledge of the Word, yet I was calm and those words came uncontrollably from my mouth. In a very connective sense, Jesus Himself uttered those words. Don’t fear of the things to come because they must happen before He returns.

Soon after reading I found the proof of the things I knew. These weren’t matters of faith for me even before I found my proof. As I read what will happen to our creation, I still couldn’t imagine how it would happen. Just the way people would have to be. That state of panic, fury, coldness, and pride to provide a condition for the prophecies to be fulfilled. It’s astonishing if you really think about it. At least it was back in 1996 when I first started reading. Now I look at the great divide and there’s no question the conditions are right just from a humanistic perspective. The rage, hatred, and disrespect for fellow men even within our own country paints a picture of inevitability for what’s to come. Just within fifteen years I couldn’t picture how people could be that hateful to not seeing any way out of it. This has to come to a climax.

The nonbelievers who pridely say that believers are idiots, mentally weak, uneducated, or whatever else comes to their twisted minds show their own inability to think independently. The intellectuals who believe that those who want a smaller government are uneducated people that can’t think for themselves also show their lack of education. This is no political blog, but it sadly humors me to know that these “great minds” have all the history available to them of nations with big governments failing time after time with not one success story, yet they demean these Tea Party people for their apparent lack of education. Who really knows history? Who really is educated? Name one success story of a socialized country. Can’t do it because socialism wasn’t even designed for success. Those dumb people that don’t want a big government just don’t know how good it is to have a government take care of them? Please. To those intellectuals, your Utopia will come. When it comes, you won’t like it. Just like you, the love of the people around the world will wax cold. And please don’t tell me you’re looking out for disadvantaged people because the intellectuals who belittle Christians and Tea Party people for their beliefs are the most hateful people out there outside of terrorists. Let’s see how they are portrayed by the media for instance. Tea Party people are violent racists, yet there has not been one arrest at a Tea Party event in the country. When some rally or protest happens on the left, there often are arrests. Many times these events truly become violent, but you see how they are portrayed in the media. The lovers of Mother Earth find anyone despicable that does not buy into global warming, and yet when they rally (also at Obama’s Inauguration) they leave garbage as far as the eye could see. You can find pictures online easily of this. When Tea Party people rally, the place is left clean. That can also be seen easily online. Who really shows love? Who really is capable of violence? Christians or anarchists that want communism? That truly is an oxymoron, but is undeniable.

The wave is coming and there is nothing that can be done to stop it. Don’t you dare say or believe when someone else says that Revelation is merely a warning to humanity that it will happen unless we straighten out. Fools, the lot of them. The Word is etched in stone. Individual souls will make their own decisions, but what is written will happen just as it is written.

Just as the case with any wave, to not be swept away to death one must look to higher ground. One must look to climb. If you are a fairweather Christian or a nonbeliever, then you are a bird with winter fast approaching. Some point soon, it will be too late to fly south. You will be utterly unprepared for what’s to come. That goes for rapture believers as well. You are a wingless bird that believes you will be able to watch the events unfold from the perspective of a great eagle. Try to fly away, Dodo. Nevermind the Word is meant to strengthen for a reason, just try to fly away. When those wings don’t take you to the stratosphere, you will be just as those you look down upon as the heathen. You will be utterly unprepared for the time to come.

There is room for everyone on this Higher Ground. Room for every soul. The mystery of God finishes at the sounding of the seventh trump, so all will know the right choice to make. Only out of fear and pride will people make the wrong choice. I fear that will take up many millions. When people hunger, their core is exposed. What will they be willing to do to eat? When people are disoriented, their core is exposed. Who will they be willing to listen to when they say they have the answer? When people see the wave coming, their core will be exposed. Who will they be willing to try to bring down with them? Who will they see as the enemy? The prideful intellectuals have made themselves conditioned to listen to certain solutions that will lead them to do terrible things. Just as Jesus said that the sheep know the voice of the shepherd, so do the prideful intellectuals. When they hear something that makes sense to them through their conditioning, they’ll be willing to do anything for the one that says he will take care of them. Nevermind those believers who are mentally weak and uneducated. An intellectual would rather rot in Hell than to be counted worthy with them. Such a sad, sad statement. There is not much that amazes me more than what a person is willing to believe to make themselves seem right. They’ll twist, turn, and nuance everything to the Nth degree to keep themselves from looking in the mirror to see the error of their ways. They’ll find any way to prolong their lives of self-gratification without any sense of having something to answer for. That life is just one big, pleasureful merry-go-round. They can’t be told what they are doing is wrong. They can’t listen with an open ear that the way they are living their lives is wrong. Their ears are only open to their logic where right and wrong have no roles to play. No prophet can set them straight unless they are willing to open their ears. You will see the blindness in their ears. We are at the door. Get ready for the wave.


I wanted to write a blog about how the Bible says and my interpretation of how the first day of the Great Tribulation Period will be like. It’s the most natural of reactions to think how horrible of a day this will be. We know it’s written it will last for seven years. Only for the elect will that time be less, and as it is written in Romans 11 God has only reserved seven thousand of them for the last generation, so don’t pack your bags or go upon your rooftops waiting for a rapture that isn’t coming. I’ll get more into that later.

What signifies the first day of the Great Tribulation should tell you it will be the opposite of what most would think, and certainly through a reflex, imagine it would be. The Antichrist also confirms a peace covenant that lasts for seven years. It will be the same seven year period. In the midst of the covenant, war will break out and then will truly begin the worst time in this age’s history. The seven year period described in Revelation also is split in the middle with two, three and a half year periods. These seven year periods are the same.

People will be celebrating the first day of the seven year period because we will have a mindset that we have finally evolved into a peaceful species where negotiation can solve everything. It will be like after WWI which was dubbed “the war to end all wars”, except even more people will buy into this one. The setup for a great and terrible fall. Over the next three years tensions will rise and war will break out once again.

Because we are human, the only time peace covenants come about is after war. There will be a war before the Great Tribulation begins, hence the peace covenant the Antichrist will confirm with many. Whether he plays a greater role than just confirming it remains to be seen, but I would say he most likely will. He probably will bring about a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian (probably many others) conflict. As war breaks out midway through the covenant’s intended length, the Antichrist human being will die. He will claim that he is God and will deceive many. He will stand in the Holy place which he ought not. Many of those that put him in power will learn that he has turned on them. As it is written, the Beast (aka the Antichrist, rider of the white horse) will ride the harlot for a period of time. The harlot is Europe, more specifically the revived Roman Empire, then will come his death. Three days later he will seemingly rise, but it will not be him. It will be Satan in his angelic flesh. Satan, the rider of the pale horse will bring Hell with him and so will begin Hell’s reign on Earth which lasts three and a half years.

The first day of the Great Tribulation, some halfwise Christians will be on their rooftops and churches expecting the rapture thinking they get to fly away while the prophets, who are judged innocent before this life started, have to be here. Nevermind Ezekiel 13:20 which warns false teachers who teach their flock how to fly. Nevermind the original Greek in Luke 21:36 says “…to flee out from all these things…”. Nevermind it is written that the mystery of God remains until the sounding of the seventh and last trump. If all of a sudden millions of Christians, and only Christians vanish, wouldn’t the mystery be gone? They believe and will believe their whirlwind will come and carry them away from all of this. To their discontent and utter disappointment it will not come. I swear to you it will not come. Where will their faith be after such a disappointment? Perhaps the truly blind will buy the “oh! it’s coming next month; next year; three years from now” and stay at the same church but most will realize they were lied to just to increase donations to their church. Why get on your congregations tail to get ready when you can make them feel good and say “that’s just for the heathens. You’ll be gone and watching the horrors on Earth as you were a bird in flight.” That will make your church money.

The truly wise will know when the first day comes and realize what’s to come. No escaping the time. By God’s will and their openness to hearing Him will allow them to flee from some of the plagues. Some plagues are global, but not all of them. Only by death will one escape them altogether.

When the next war breaks out with Israel with other nations, including Syria, prepare yourselves with all diligence for what’s to come. Let not anyone deceive you and tell you that you will fly away. For many it doesn’t matter what you say to them contrary to their rapture belief. They have so much staked into the belief, not to mention their fear of actually going through it that there’s really nothing you can say to them. Let time be your truth decipherer as will I. Perhaps after they realize no rapture is coming for them will they turn and open their ear to you. Don’t hold your breath though. There’s nothing more magnificent than the will of a human to purposely blind themselves to truth. That goes for believers and nonbelievers alike. God bless.


Many wonder who the two witnesses are in the book of Revelation. One surely is Elijah since it is prophesied in Malachi that God will send Elijah before the end. So that conclusively is one of the two witnesses, leaving one to debate upon. Elijah was taken up by a whirlwind into heaven, so he didn’t die. In all of the Bible, he wasn’t the only one to never die. Enoch of Genesis also never died.

In Genesis 5, it lists the generations from Adam to Seth to on and on of the descendants of the Jews. After each person listed, it says they lived so many years and died. That is not the case with Enoch. It says in Genesis 5:24 that Enoch walked with God and he was not (in place of ‘and he died’) for God took him. It doesn’t say anywhere that Enoch is definitely the other witness, but my money is on him.

It says in Revelation that the two witnesses will be in a city known as Sodom in today’s world. The candidates are endless, since many cities could fit the bill. It could be New York, Las Vegas, Washington DC, and those are just the cities in the US. There are many cities around the world that could also fit. It says also that they will be here for 42 months. So which 42 months will it be?

The hour of temptation begins after the sounding of the seventh trump. The mystery of God will be finished. As is written in the plague of the locusts, that will be the last five months of the tribulation period. The locusts, which really are the fallen angels (my post “The Plague of the Locusts” reveals this) have power to torment men for five months. How they will torment men will be to maximize every human weakness when everyone will know that there is a God, who He is, that Jesus is the Messiah, and the Bible is really the word of God. They will make it so hard for men to make the right choice even when they know their souls are on the line. Jesus prophesied that those that look to save their lives will lose them. Those that lose them for His sake will find life everlasting. That is for the hour of temptation. Those fallen angels, known as nephilim, will not kill men. They aren’t allowed to. They will seemingly have the answers for this creation to survive the worst period of time in this age’s history.

The two witnesses will begin their time here with five months left in the first half of the tribulation, since the tribulation is divided in two. The first half is the reign of the Antichrist human being, also known as the Beast and the rider of the white horse. The second half will be the reign of Satan in his angelic flesh after the death of Antichrist. The deaths of the two witnesses will happen when there is five months left in the second half, and the overall Tribulation Period. Five months before the end of this age comes.

Before then it is impossible for them as well as the prophets of this generation to die. If any man tries to hurt the two witnesses, God commands them to have fire come out of their mouths and consume the assailant to death. Only after their time is up can they be killed. Once killed, the people of this world will celebrate their deaths. No more of the two witnesses spewing against the sins of this creation. No more hurt feelings. The prophets of this generation, known as God’s elect and the election of grace cannot die either. Seven thousand are reserved in the last generation, and seven thousand will at the same time be taken. Not one more. Not one less. When the two dead witnesses hear “come up here”, they will be taken up into heaven. In that same hour, the seven thousand reserved will also be taken and a great earthquake will come. The remnant will be frightened and will give glory to God. Why? Because the mystery of God will be gone. They will realize who the two witnesses and the seven thousand were. That will be the end of the church of Philadelphia and will begin the reign of the church of Smyrna as those aligned with God. Only the church of Philadelphia will not be here for the hour of temptation. Tsk tsk on those folly hearts that believe they get to fly away via the rapture.



That is a question that plagues believers and highminded non-believers alike. The traditional teaching is that Satan is somewhere below the Earth’s crust in a place called Hell. This is unequivocally wrong. Where they get this from is that Satan is in the bottomless pit and all the old artwork painting him as a pitchfork wielding creature in desperate need of SPF lotion. One, the bottomless pit hasn’t been opened yet. If it has been, then show it to me. I’d love to see it. When it says “…the Devil has come down unto having great wrath…”, this is something that will happen in the future. St. John wrote this in the past tense because he was simply taken into the future and saw and heard those things. It was the past to him. Not us. Satan is supposed to be there for a thousand years. When did he get out? When did he go in?

The rider of the pale horse is also key with this. The rider of the white horse is the Antichrist human being. He is the Beast, but he simply is a man with the spirit of Satan inside him. The Antichrist human will die in the midst of the Tribulation Period. He will seemingly rise again, but it will not be his human flesh. It will be Satan in his angelic flesh. That is when he is kicked down here. Satan is the rider of the pale horse. He is named Death and Hell will follow him. Hell can’t follow him if it’s already here below our feet and filled with former rock stars.

Let’s also look at the early chapters of Job. Satan was on Earth, just as he was when he tempted Jesus. Read carefully though. Did it sound like Satan was forced upon Earth, or was allowed to move freely? God did have to ask Satan where he was. Satan answered on Earth. Sounds like Satan was allowed to go pretty much where he wanted. He will be forced on Earth at some point in the future. The truth is Hell is with Satan. Wherever Satan is, Hell is with him.

I’m sorry I cannot fully answer the question of where Satan is. The reason for that is it is impossible to answer until he is forced upon Earth after Michael and his angels kick him down here. He is somewhere between the realm of the Holy angels and our world. That is as accurate as I can be. God bless.


I have written many blogs in the past which correct mistranslations in the King James as well as newer translations of the Bible. I have said in the past that the King James is still the best English translated Bible there is, but I have recently come to know the Gideon’s Bible. The language is updated and many of the KJV mistranslations are corrected. Without going back to correct my previous posts, I will now say the Gideon’s Bible is the best English Bible out there. The reason why I don’t want to go back and correct myself is so you know I am still learning myself, since I had not looked into a Gideon’s at that time. I still suggest for all to get a Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance and use a KJV with it if you want a full, true word of God. The Strong’s traces every word of the KJV back to the original Hebrew and Greek without the influence of men. This is extremely important for the true student.

One of the most important mistranslations in the KJV is inside the New Testament with the phrase “end of the world”. In each case in the original Greek the word there for “world” does not trace back to “κοσμοσ” (cos-mos), which is their word for “world”. Every single instance the original Greek word was actually “αίων” (ah-KHEE-own), which is their word for “age”.  Some might say it can mean world but let’s look at the gospel of Matthew. Four times the phrase “end of the world” shows up, again all were “αίων” in Greek. But some other times the word “world” in Matthew cosmos is used. Why would Matthew use different Greek words if he meant the same thing? Answer: he didn’t mean the same thing. He meant “age”, so he used “αίων”. What makes this so important is it shows there is no end of the world. If you look at Matt. 24:3, the disciples ask Jesus for the signs of His return and the end of the age. If you take that to heart and read Revelation 20, then you can make sense of it. When Jesus returns, that ends this age and begins a new age that will last a little over a thousand years. Without knowing Jesus’ return ends this age, Rev. 20 cannot be made sense of. The Gideon’s corrects those mistakes.

In one of the most intriguing mistranslations of the KJV is the craft Ezekiel saw. In the KJV it says the color of it was amber. That is a mistranslation. The Hebrew word there was (khazh-mal), which means “polished spectrum metal with an amber hue”, or beryl. Not a grainy amber color. Given the other descriptions of the craft Ezekiel saw, it could not be anything made of this world at that time. The Gideon’s also corrects this.

Jesus wasn’t our Lord’s real name. Jesus is the English pronunciation of the Greek version of the Hebrew name Yeshua (or Y’shua). Y’shua means “God saved”. If you took Y’shua and directly translated it to English, it would be Joshua. It doesn’t matter so much what you call Him, as long as you call Him Christ, Saviour, Lord, and the Son of the Living God. His mother Mary is the English version of Maria. Pronounced in their native Aramaic tongue, it would sound like (mah-ree-AH). Maria in Hebrew means “bitter”.

Satan in the Hebrew means “opponent, adversary”, and in some instances can mean “persecute”. Very apt names, which the definitions really mean something. Satan is the opponent and adversary, and has/will persecute(d) our creation. In Isaiah 14:12, the word “Lucifer” shows up for the only time in the KJV. The original Hebrew word there wasn’t anything near Lucifer at all. The original Hebrew word there was “Helel”. Why change it to Lucifer? Because the Catholic Church, which authored the KJV translated the name into Latin with the Vulgate. Lucifer is a Latin word. Isaiah nor any other OT prophet knew Latin. Helel as well as Lucifer means “brightness”, but in Latin it’s also the word for “morningstar”. There was some wisdom to the translation since the next line says “son of the morning”. One must ask, why the huge differences in not only the names but the meanings? Helel/Lucifer is mentioned only one time in the entire Bible, so why only there? It describes how Helel fell. After he fell, God changed his name. He was the morningstar. Now he’s the adversary.

Another important and intriguing mistranslation of the KJV is the word “giants” in Genesis 6:4. The original Hebrew word there was “nephil” (neh-feel), which is their word for “fallen”. This mistranslation also shows up in Numbers 13:33. These points are significant since it shows who those “giants” really were in Genesis and Numbers. They were the fallen angels. “Nephilim” is the Hebrew word for “fallen angels”. When Helel fell, he took many angels with him. They became known as the “nephil”, and their master is the Devil. The other time in Numbers 13:33 the word “giants” is also mistranslated, but it isn’t “nephil”. It’s the Hebrew word “gibbowr”, which means a mighty but tyrannical warrior. The plague of locusts is the plague of the fallen angels. I didn’t look if the Gideon’s corrects this or not. In the book of Enoch the prophet, he did speak about the children from the relations between angels and humans. He did describe them as being giant in size. Although nephil is a mistranslation, they were considered giants.

What too many call the final battle between good and evil before the end of the world, Armageddon has nothing to do with a time. Armageddon is two words put together. There is “har” which means “mountain”, and Megiddo is in the valley of Jezreel in northern Israel near a mountain. Armageddon means “mountains of Megiddo”. That is where the world will come to meet for battle against Israel and the forces of God. Both the OT and NT speak of Megiddo being the place for the final battle, but as I stated before, not for the end of the world. Armageddon will be fought at the climax of this age, but afterward a new age will begin once Y’shua has returned.

The KJV of the Bible is the English version of the Catholic translated Latin Vulgate. Many so-called experts talk about tracing things back to the Latin, but that doesn’t do any good since neither of the testaments were originally written in Latin. The Vulgate was written with a Catholic doctrinal point of view, so there are going to be mistakes to say the least. Some mistranslations you saw were innocent while I question how innocent some others were. When your doctrine can’t explain away what is written, and this really goes for all denominations, change the words to suit your doctrine. That is what happened with the Vulgate/KJV of the Bible.

I hope this post not only gives you a new insight on the written Word, but also inspires you to get a Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance since it will open your eyes. It doesn’t preach. It doesn’t have any link to a denomination. All it does is trace the words back to the original languages for a pure word of God without the influence of men. If you truly want to learn, a Strong’s is a must.

I just found a mistranslation that might be the most important, and there is no way this one was accidental. In Numbers 24:21, the word “Kenites” was correctly translated, but in verse 22 “Kenites” was mistranslated. I have contended that Kenites were of the line of Cain and this proves it. The original Hebrew word for “Kenites” was actually “Cain”. If you read those verses, you will see it’s conclusive that Kenites were of Cain. It proves it 100%. This mistranslation could not be innocent. Imagine if everyone knew that the Kenites came from Cain, it would enlighten many.


Many people think that Revelation is the hardest set of chapters to understand in the entire Bible. Some people say that no one is allowed to understand Revelation. Apocalypse means “reveal”, so why would it be called “revelation” if you weren’t allowed understand it? Here is the most comprehensive blog I’ve written about Revelation.

Jesus speaks against five of the seven churches of Christ. One of those churches He speaks against He threatens to remove altogether. That is the church of Ephesus. How that will be done is it will cease from being a Christian church and become part of the synagogue of Satan. The only two He finds no fault in are the churches of Philadelphia and Smyrna. These churches don’t exist yet. Why I know that is the case is the church of Philadelphia will not be here during the hour of temptation. The church John referred to didn’t exist then. The church of Smyrna will be those who believe the doctrine of the church of Philadelphia to be true. They will be here for the hour of temptation, but their faith will be stronger than those of any other denomination. Remember, for those ‘educated’ ones who think John was speaking about things of his time, Jesus appeared to him and told him what would be at the end.

The church of Ephesus were given ways to test apostles to make sure if they were false to not listen to them. Jesus says they have left their first love and to do their first works. The first love of any Christian is Christ. The first work for any church is to stick to the written Word and to teach it. Next is the church of Smyrna who know those who say are Jews, but are not and found them to be liars. These are Kenites. Jesus says He knows they are not wealthy in the eyes of the world, but He considers them rich for their faith. He tells them they will be tested by Satan, which Jesus referred to in the gospels.

To the church of Pergamos, Jesus said that He knows they are faithful and are in the midst of Satan’s seat, but they have held onto the doctrine of Balaam. Balaam was a prophet who spoke to God, but yet tried to lead Israel astray as Israel was first being established. He also chastized them for believing like the Nicolaitanes (Nicolatians). The Nicolatians were a group of Christians that believed adultery and other abominations were no big deal.

To the church at Thyatira, Jesus said they have followed Jezebel, the prophetess of Ba’al by teaching fornication and to eat foods sacrificed to idols. Jesus said that He will cast them away into a bed with them who commit adultery. This adultery is believing in other gods, namely Satan, who is to come. Even their children will suffer death for their sins, which they refused to repent for. To the church of Sardis, Jesus says their works are not His. He says outside of a few among them, they are dead and defiled their garments.

To the church of Philadelphia, Jesus has nothing but praise for. He said that He has an open door for them no man can shut, because they are the elect and cannot fail. He said they have only a little strength because they are few in number. After this is all over, Jesus will have those of the synagogue of Satan come to worship at their feet, and He will be kept from the hour of temptation that will try the rest of the world. Jesus will brand them with the name of God, the new Jerusalem, and His new name after this is all over. Can’t wait.

To the church in Laodicea, Jesus says their work is neither hot or cold, but lukewarm, and would rather have them be either hot or cold. He said that they are rich in the eyes of men, but their works will not survive the trial by fire. He tells them to buy gold from Him that will stand the test of fire and white raiment. This simply means to fully adopt His ways so they will not be judged against. These are the seven churches.

The four horsemen of the Apocalypse are these: the white horse, the black horse, the red horse, and the pale horse. The rider of the white horse is the Beast. The Beast is the Antichrist human being: a human with the spirit of Satan inside him. He will go forth conquering the world peacefully coming to “save the day”. The rider of the black horse had a pair of balances in his hand. A voice was heard saying “a measure of wheat for a penny and three measures of barley for a penny; see you hurt not the oil and the wine.” This is a plague of great economic woe. A penny is what we would term as a poor working man’s daily wage, as was written in Matthew 20. What it basically says is that it would take a good portion of a working man’s daily wage to be able to buy a loaf of bread. Before thinking this is impossible, think of when the Soviet Union fell. People were lining up to pay the equivilant to $20 for a loaf of bread. Where it says “see you hurt not the oil and the wine” could really have been written anywhere in Revelation. If the price on everything goes up, then so would actual oil and wine, right? Why it’s there is so it gets you to ask “what does that mean then?” What do you do with oil besides cook with it, religiously speaking? You anoint with it. What happens to grape juice during the process of fermentation? Not only does it turn into alcohol, but the impurities come out. What it really says is “see you hurt not the anointed and the pure”. Before casting that doctrine away, consider Psalm 105:15 which says “Touch not Mine anointed, and do My prophets no harm.” Looks like an exact match to me. The rider of the red horse is really like Murphy’s Law. What can go wrong will go wrong. War, famine, pestilence will be more widespread than perhaps ever before in our age. The rider of the red horse really envelopes much of what is continued in Revelation. The rider of the pale horse is Satan himself. The Antichrist human will die in the midst of the Tribulation Period, but he will rise three days later. Satan will give him his life back. Satan will also be here right then or for the last five months. It will be Satan in his angelic flesh. Satan’s name is Death, and Hell will follow him.

The harlot is the revived Roman Empire. The Beast will come from the revived Roman Empire as is written in Daniel 2 and 7. The fourth empire to come will break up and reform. That empire was the Roman Empire. The revival of the Roman Empire will start with ten nations. The eleventh will be the one where the Antichrist will come from. If we are in the last days, the revived Roman Empire could only be the European Union. The EU’s eleventh nation was either Portugal or Spain since they came in at the same time. If the EU is this revival, then the Antichrist will come from Spain or Portugal. This is how the Beast will ride the harlot for a period of time. They will put him in power.

The first day of the great Tribulation Period will be the opposite of what most think of it to be. The tribulation will last seven years. Only for the elect will it be less. The Antichrist in Daniel 9 confirms a peace covenant with many nations that will last for seven years. That is no coincidence. The first day of the tribulation will be the day he confirms the covenant. There will be joyous celebration instead of a day of horror like most think. The human race will think they have evolved from a warmongering species and that we can solve any problem through negotiation. During the next few years, tensions will build to a fever pitch and then war will break out once again. Then Hell will be upon Earth. What I mean by “war will break out once again” is our species only comes with peace covenants after war. That’s the way we are. Peace covenants never come from a time of peace, but only from war. There will be a war involving many nations before the confirming of the peace covenant.

Much of what is written in Revelation is written somewhere in the Old Testament in the books of the prophets, especially Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, and the minor prophets. For example, Revelation 18 goes directly with Jeremiah 50-51. Part of the reason why Revelation is so difficult is because it’s so concise. In the older prophetical books, the prophecies are written in greater detail and length. St. John couldn’t do that or Revelation would be one huge book. Also nothing in Revelation has happened yet. Don’t let anyone fool you otherwise. Reveal… do you reveal the past or the future? The reason why most of it is written in the past tense is because St. John was taken to the future, so to him it was the past. Not our past. When he says that he saw those things, it’s because he saw those things. The last few chapters of Revelation deal with what’s written in Ezekiel 40-48, which deals with the next age and beyond. As is written in the original Greek, when Jesus returns that ends this age. Not the world.

When Satan is kicked down to Earth, he comes with those aligned with him. The fallen angels are the plague of locusts that will have power to torment men for five months, outside those with the seal of God in their foreheads (the 144,000 Jews). Their master is Apollyon, which is another name for the Devil. Their nearly uncontentious power will last for five months. Those five months will be the last five months, and will be known as the hour of temptation. How they will torment men will be to spiritually torment men. It will be the sounding of the seventh and last trump that the mystery of God will be finished. All will know who God is. They’ll also know Jesus is the Messiah. They’ll know the Bible is genuinely God’s word. They’ll know who Satan is. Even with knowing all of that and the mystery being finished, men will still fail to a great extent. Every human weakness will be magnified by the plagues, and Satan with his fallen angels will play on those weaknesses brilliantly. Even though men will know it will be wrong, to seemingly save their lives they will lose them by failing God. That will fulfill a prophecy Jesus made that those who will seek to save their lives will lose it, and those who will lose it for His name’s sake will find life everlasting. The plague of the locusts really is about testing one’s resolve and will to hold onto what is right when it will be so difficult to do so. The stronger your faith, the easier it will be. Paul said it best when he said in Romans 8:38-39 “For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,” “Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” If you hold onto that, you’ll be fine if we are in the last days. If your flight be in winter, meaning too late (a reference when birds fly south), then it’s going to be incredibly difficult. If your flight be on the sabbath day, meaning that period of time right after the covenant is confirmed when most think we have solved all of our problems, then it will be too late to fully prepare for the inevitable time afterward.

Imagine that, even knowing what to do and what not to do many men will still fail even knowing their souls are on the line. I think it says everything about men that it will take the seventh trump before the mystery of God is finished for them. Not any of the other plagues before it coming true like it is written, or the prophets doing miraculous things is good enough for them. It will take the last trump for them. And with them in mind, when it is all over the Song of Moses will be sung which in part shows how the highminded were the real fools. Only a real fool will call a faithful Christian a fool but not consider the Lord that put this creation upon the Earth. The Song of Moses is very apt for the end. Is this the true end? No, it’s not.

After this age ends, a new one will begin. If you don’t take in Jesus’ return ends this age, Revelation 20 cannot be made sense of. I’ve heard some whacky doctrine about Revelation, like it’s already happened. If it has, I’d love to see this bottomless pit. I’d like to know how late God is on His schedule since it was only supposed to last a thousand years. That’s a thousand years off so far. If you take in that Jesus’ return ends this age and begins a new one, then and only then can Revelation 20 be made sense of. Satan will be in the bottomless pit for a thousand years while Jesus returns with His saints. In the eyes of God, a saint is just a faithful Christian as is written in Ephesians 1:1. Paul addressed his epistle to the saints which are at Ephesus. If there was one saint upon Earth, then anyone who has passed with their faith intact has to be a saint since Jesus said that there is no one on Earth better than the lowest in heaven. Try to explain that away. Not only does Satan stay imprisoned in the bottomless pit and Jesus reigns on Earth for a thousand years, but the “dead” don’t live until the thousand years are up. Another thing traditional teachers can’t explain. As I pointed out earlier, much of what’s written in Revelation is written more in depth in the books of the prophets. The temple written in Ezekiel’s late chapters is not a temple made by men. What temple ever in history ever held anything that can even be termed as “the dead”? After the millennium is over, Satan tries to deceive the world once again. Those who follow him try to make war with the saints, but God stops them and ends that age. Those who follow Satan then will forever be judged against. The books are opened and judgment is given to all. The righteous are given their gifts while the damned receive their damnation. Everyone will know what the right choice will be, just as they will at the end of this age. No excuses. When you know something is right, you better do everything you can to hold onto it. Ultimately, it’s all we have you know. We came into this world with our souls and our souls only, and we will leave with our souls only. You can’t take with you money, jewelry, clothes, houses, cars, playstation 3’s, iPhones, or hdtv’s. All you will have is you and what you’ve done. For the sake of your soul, always strive to do what’s right. Even Christians will have their works tested, and that will be judged upon permanently as well. If you know something is right, then it should be worth everything to you to do it. There maybe more at stake than just your soul and well being. Others can hang in the balance.I hope you have learned something here. God bless.

There are so many questions one can ask about what is written in Revelation that it would be nearly impossible for me to get to here, so I will ask that if you have any questions about Revelation to ask me here. Hopefully I can answer them to your satisfaction.


Most people look to Revelation as being the most difficult thing in the Bible to understand. Some even say that it’s impossible for men to understand it. This is folly. Revelation comes from the Greek word Apocalypse, which means  “reveal”. To reveal something that you’re not allowed to understand? That doesn’t sound right. Revelation is indeed very difficult, but it’s not impossible to understand to a pretty good length. It is true, most are not allowed to fully understand all of it, but that goes for the entire Bible. Everyone outside of the election of grace has the spirit of slumber. When prophecies come to pass that aren’t clearly defined in Revelation, believers will point them out while nonbelievers will say the believers are twisting Revelation’s words to show proof their beliefs are right. The murkiness serves a purpose.

The hardest chapter in the Bible to understand to its entirety is without a doubt Romans 11. In order for you to fully understand it, you pretty much have to get to the end of every mystery that you are confronted with, and then read it and understand in hindsight that this one chapter revealed the secrets of just about everything. It reveals why we are here in the human flesh. It reveals how God chose His prophets. It reveals why the rest were given the spirit of slumber.

Ba’al was much more than just a pagan God in the eyes of Paul, Elijah, and God. To hold back its secrets, they didn’t reveal what he truly was. Ba’al was the deity of the planet of Venus as well. With some studying, you will see a connection to the planet of Venus with another entity.

The election of grace was chosen by God for nothing they’ve done in this life. Many foolish Christians believe once you accept Jesus, that you too are one of the elect, thus equating your decision with God’s decision. Some even believe all Christians were destined to become Christians. There are many parables Jesus gave that proves otherwise. The parables of the wedding, the ten virgins, and others shows that people who could indeed find righteousness fail to find because of the hardness of their hearts. Jesus speaking of the man who had ninety-nine sheep but lost one got that lost sheep back and was overjoyed.

How many people did Jesus speak to during His life? Many multitudes. How did He speak to them? In parables. Matthew 13:10-16 reveals the spirit of slumber. The disciples asked Jesus why does He speak to the people in parables. He said because they don’t have eyes to see or ears to hear. Isn’t that what is written later in Romans 11? Weren’t those multitudes Christians? Christians, but didn’t have it in them to have that understanding. Jesus then revealed to the disciples that they do have eyes and ears, so He was allowed to reveal the secrets of the kingdom to them.

Even with the spirit of slumber being upon nearly all, that doesn’t mean people are not allowed to understand God’s word to a good extent. That comes with diligence. One must be willing to forsake the traditional teaching of men and never be afraid to ask questions about church or common knowledge doctrine. Never get to a point where you have questions but refuse to ask them because it does your insight no good. No matter how high God has your ceiling, you can lower it by not being a diligent student of His word. Everyone is allowed to build their faith. If you show your diligence with absence of fear, God just might raise your ceiling.

Take into account Jeremiah 1:5 where God said to Jeremiah that He chose Jeremiah before any work he could have done in the human flesh. God said He knew Jeremiah before he was in the womb. No work accomplished to be chosen, but grace alone. Jeremiah was destined to become a prophet before this age even started. That was when the election of grace were chosen. Before any work. Before any were dispersed. Before any of the seven thousand would be put in the flesh. This grace was bestowed upon them for not any work they’ve done in this life, but God did not choose these people at random. There must have been something that they either did or didn’t do at some point before they were born which proved their worth. That is revealed … guess where… Romans 11.


A question both humanists and actual inquisitive people like to ask is why would a good God create Satan? This question usually comes from those who wish not to believe that there is a God and looks for excuses not to humble themselves and look into the wisdom that there has to be a God to have created all of this.

The truth is God created many angels, one of them named Helel. In the KJV the word “Lucifer” in the original Hebrew isn’t pronounced anywhere near Lucifer at all. It’s pronounced Helel, and it means “brightness” or “lightbearer”. Helel was one of God’s most treasured angels. Lucifer was the translated name of Helel from Hebrew into Latin. There was some wisdom to the Catholic Church translating the name because of the next few words “son of the morning”. Lucifer was also the Latin word for the morning star. God gave His angels free will, which is key to understanding how Helel fell and shows how much God loved His angels by letting them and also our creation have free will.

Afyer Helel fell, God changed his name to Satan, which means “opponent, adversary” and in some cases it can mean “persecute”. See, he used to be the angel of light, the morningstar. Now he’s the opponent and has and will persecute our creation. See, God didn’t create Satan. God created Helel. It was Helel who created Satan.