In these days, people on the left try to portray Jesus (whom most don’t believe He was the Christ) as a caring socialist that wanted everyone to be taken care of. They’re pretty slick with it sometimes, too. I do find it odd that people that want Jesus and God out of everything like to co-opt them when they want to promote social justice. I’d wonder why they do that, except I know the reason already.

Socialism was never intended to be fair, just, or successful. It was a plot by a well-known Kenite that many think of as a Jew named Karl Marx to grab power away from the powerful by playing on the minds and hearts of the poor who wanted social justice. Karl Marx was actually a Kenite. I will leave a link below to a previous post that the true student of Christianity and Jewish history should all read. Marx’s disciple Lenin called those that allied with their plot “useful idiots” because those people had no idea what they were getting themselves into. Marx and Lenin and the rest of Marx’s disciples knew that the people would rise up against the rich in an effort to rob Peter to pay Paul. Lenin and the rest used the covetousness of the people against them. In every case the workers revolutions happened, the people became enslaved to the new government. There was Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, and Pol Pot that used marxism as a way to get enough allies to bring them into power. You know the consequences from there. Hitler is thought of as a right-winger, and he was for Europe in a sense. He wouldn’t be seen as a right-winger in America. Nazi stands for “national socialism” (national sozialismus), which can not be argued as a right-wing cause in America. Hitler used the anxiety of the working class to promote his power and also used their hatred for the Jews to nearly commit genocide. Stalin did very much the same thing after Lenin.

Being that a Kenite birthed the idea for socialism, which has led to the deaths of millions, I am very comfortable and confident to say Jesus would have no such part in socialism. I know the left would say “didn’t Jesus want to give to the poor? Wasn’t He against the rich?” Yes, to both questions but that is certainly twisting Him and history to prove oneself correct. They’re also counting on the fact that you wouldn’t know any better. They want you to be ignorant of the fact that socialism wasn’t intended to be fair, but they also aren’t wise to the fact that back in the old Jewish days money that was given to the poor went directly to the poor. Money didn’t go to programs intent on being wasted and stolen under the guise of helping the poor. You think Jesus was mad at the money changers inside the Temple? How do you think He’d be in Washington DC? Hasn’t no one ever taken into account that in socialist countries the number of the poor always rose? That the poor stayed poor and the rich after fighting the revolution for a time decided that they better play ball with the top people in the revolution and stayed rich? Jesus was against the rich because the rich, generally speaking, loved money more than anything else including God and one another. Kings, Emperors, and those that took advantage of capitalism opened the door for the idea of socialism to be the battle cry for those they treaded upon. America is no different. In the early 20th century, the great entrepreneurs took advantage of the workers and the capitalist system. There were no checks and balances. The rich for the most part could care less about those that helped them attain their wealth. Now capitalism is struggling with its last breaths to fight global socialism. Some are already giving in to the upcoming revolution since they know more money is coming, which is why some of them have said they are for being taxed more to “do their fair share”. If they spoke loosely, their forked tongues would reveal them for what they truly are.

There is not just a law, but a commandmant that says “you shall not covet your neighbor’s possessions”. Maybe the most telling bit of proof lies in the book of Job. Job was one of the richest men in the world and God was more proud of him than anyone else at the time. After God allowed Satan to tear Job’s life asunder, three of Job’s friends came to him and berated him instead of consoling him. Eliphaz used the typical socialist accusation towards Job saying he took the clothes off the naked and wouldn’t feed the hungry. Doesn’t that sound like what socialists accuse the rich of doing? If Job was around now, he would be despised and accused by socialists and they might even use God’s word against him, yet he was righteous in the eyes of God. That should say it all about whether or not Jesus was a socialist. That answer is definitely NO.

Capitalism, kept in check and not abused, is the greatest way to promote freedom. If there wasn’t any sinful covetousness, the idea of socialism would die a fast, violent death. If there wasn’t any sinful covetousness, there would be no abusers of capitalism either. It was fear of kings and those that wanted power that had the Founders write the Constitution. The Constitution limited powers of the government to stay out of the way of people and was the ultimate recipe for success. America, by way of the Constitution became the richest and most powerful nation on Earth while those that used and wanted socialism stayed or became oppressed. People in europe fled the birthplace of socialism and went to a capitalist country for opportunity for them and their children. I’ll put the Constitution by the Founding Fathers up against the Kenite idea of socialism and it’s numerous examples of failure any day of the week.



Many years ago when I was first called to read, I came to realize quickly that the prophecies of the Bible would be fulfilled in my lifetime. Actually it was even before I started reading. I wasn’t raised in a religious home. Far from it. Even still I always had something in me that told me what time I was living in. I was at a friend’s restaurant when the Oklahoma City bombing happened in 1995. A great Greek family. Hours after the bombing, the father said “would you look at this ****”?!” I was horrified but of my mouth came “yeah, but it’s okay though.” He gave me an odd look to say the least. In response to his look I said “don’t you have the feeling that all of these bad things are building to a climax and that one day something will happen in our lifetime that will change everything?” Another person in his family said “I do”. Then he gave us both weird looks. At that time I couldn’t even quote John 3:16. I was very biblically illiterate. I was actually a self-professed atheist even though I knew there was a God, who He was, that Jesus was the Messiah, and the Bible was genuinely God’s word. I had no knowledge of the Word, yet I was calm and those words came uncontrollably from my mouth. In a very connective sense, Jesus Himself uttered those words. Don’t fear of the things to come because they must happen before He returns.

Soon after reading I found the proof of the things I knew. These weren’t matters of faith for me even before I found my proof. As I read what will happen to our creation, I still couldn’t imagine how it would happen. Just the way people would have to be. That state of panic, fury, coldness, and pride to provide a condition for the prophecies to be fulfilled. It’s astonishing if you really think about it. At least it was back in 1996 when I first started reading. Now I look at the great divide and there’s no question the conditions are right just from a humanistic perspective. The rage, hatred, and disrespect for fellow men even within our own country paints a picture of inevitability for what’s to come. Just within fifteen years I couldn’t picture how people could be that hateful to not seeing any way out of it. This has to come to a climax.

The nonbelievers who pridely say that believers are idiots, mentally weak, uneducated, or whatever else comes to their twisted minds show their own inability to think independently. The intellectuals who believe that those who want a smaller government are uneducated people that can’t think for themselves also show their lack of education. This is no political blog, but it sadly humors me to know that these “great minds” have all the history available to them of nations with big governments failing time after time with not one success story, yet they demean these Tea Party people for their apparent lack of education. Who really knows history? Who really is educated? Name one success story of a socialized country. Can’t do it because socialism wasn’t even designed for success. Those dumb people that don’t want a big government just don’t know how good it is to have a government take care of them? Please. To those intellectuals, your Utopia will come. When it comes, you won’t like it. Just like you, the love of the people around the world will wax cold. And please don’t tell me you’re looking out for disadvantaged people because the intellectuals who belittle Christians and Tea Party people for their beliefs are the most hateful people out there outside of terrorists. Let’s see how they are portrayed by the media for instance. Tea Party people are violent racists, yet there has not been one arrest at a Tea Party event in the country. When some rally or protest happens on the left, there often are arrests. Many times these events truly become violent, but you see how they are portrayed in the media. The lovers of Mother Earth find anyone despicable that does not buy into global warming, and yet when they rally (also at Obama’s Inauguration) they leave garbage as far as the eye could see. You can find pictures online easily of this. When Tea Party people rally, the place is left clean. That can also be seen easily online. Who really shows love? Who really is capable of violence? Christians or anarchists that want communism? That truly is an oxymoron, but is undeniable.

The wave is coming and there is nothing that can be done to stop it. Don’t you dare say or believe when someone else says that Revelation is merely a warning to humanity that it will happen unless we straighten out. Fools, the lot of them. The Word is etched in stone. Individual souls will make their own decisions, but what is written will happen just as it is written.

Just as the case with any wave, to not be swept away to death one must look to higher ground. One must look to climb. If you are a fairweather Christian or a nonbeliever, then you are a bird with winter fast approaching. Some point soon, it will be too late to fly south. You will be utterly unprepared for what’s to come. That goes for rapture believers as well. You are a wingless bird that believes you will be able to watch the events unfold from the perspective of a great eagle. Try to fly away, Dodo. Nevermind the Word is meant to strengthen for a reason, just try to fly away. When those wings don’t take you to the stratosphere, you will be just as those you look down upon as the heathen. You will be utterly unprepared for the time to come.

There is room for everyone on this Higher Ground. Room for every soul. The mystery of God finishes at the sounding of the seventh trump, so all will know the right choice to make. Only out of fear and pride will people make the wrong choice. I fear that will take up many millions. When people hunger, their core is exposed. What will they be willing to do to eat? When people are disoriented, their core is exposed. Who will they be willing to listen to when they say they have the answer? When people see the wave coming, their core will be exposed. Who will they be willing to try to bring down with them? Who will they see as the enemy? The prideful intellectuals have made themselves conditioned to listen to certain solutions that will lead them to do terrible things. Just as Jesus said that the sheep know the voice of the shepherd, so do the prideful intellectuals. When they hear something that makes sense to them through their conditioning, they’ll be willing to do anything for the one that says he will take care of them. Nevermind those believers who are mentally weak and uneducated. An intellectual would rather rot in Hell than to be counted worthy with them. Such a sad, sad statement. There is not much that amazes me more than what a person is willing to believe to make themselves seem right. They’ll twist, turn, and nuance everything to the Nth degree to keep themselves from looking in the mirror to see the error of their ways. They’ll find any way to prolong their lives of self-gratification without any sense of having something to answer for. That life is just one big, pleasureful merry-go-round. They can’t be told what they are doing is wrong. They can’t listen with an open ear that the way they are living their lives is wrong. Their ears are only open to their logic where right and wrong have no roles to play. No prophet can set them straight unless they are willing to open their ears. You will see the blindness in their ears. We are at the door. Get ready for the wave.


That is a question that plagues believers and highminded non-believers alike. The traditional teaching is that Satan is somewhere below the Earth’s crust in a place called Hell. This is unequivocally wrong. Where they get this from is that Satan is in the bottomless pit and all the old artwork painting him as a pitchfork wielding creature in desperate need of SPF lotion. One, the bottomless pit hasn’t been opened yet. If it has been, then show it to me. I’d love to see it. When it says “…the Devil has come down unto having great wrath…”, this is something that will happen in the future. St. John wrote this in the past tense because he was simply taken into the future and saw and heard those things. It was the past to him. Not us. Satan is supposed to be there for a thousand years. When did he get out? When did he go in?

The rider of the pale horse is also key with this. The rider of the white horse is the Antichrist human being. He is the Beast, but he simply is a man with the spirit of Satan inside him. The Antichrist human will die in the midst of the Tribulation Period. He will seemingly rise again, but it will not be his human flesh. It will be Satan in his angelic flesh. That is when he is kicked down here. Satan is the rider of the pale horse. He is named Death and Hell will follow him. Hell can’t follow him if it’s already here below our feet and filled with former rock stars.

Let’s also look at the early chapters of Job. Satan was on Earth, just as he was when he tempted Jesus. Read carefully though. Did it sound like Satan was forced upon Earth, or was allowed to move freely? God did have to ask Satan where he was. Satan answered on Earth. Sounds like Satan was allowed to go pretty much where he wanted. He will be forced on Earth at some point in the future. The truth is Hell is with Satan. Wherever Satan is, Hell is with him.

I’m sorry I cannot fully answer the question of where Satan is. The reason for that is it is impossible to answer until he is forced upon Earth after Michael and his angels kick him down here. He is somewhere between the realm of the Holy angels and our world. That is as accurate as I can be. God bless.


I have written many blogs in the past which correct mistranslations in the King James as well as newer translations of the Bible. I have said in the past that the King James is still the best English translated Bible there is, but I have recently come to know the Gideon’s Bible. The language is updated and many of the KJV mistranslations are corrected. Without going back to correct my previous posts, I will now say the Gideon’s Bible is the best English Bible out there. The reason why I don’t want to go back and correct myself is so you know I am still learning myself, since I had not looked into a Gideon’s at that time. I still suggest for all to get a Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance and use a KJV with it if you want a full, true word of God. The Strong’s traces every word of the KJV back to the original Hebrew and Greek without the influence of men. This is extremely important for the true student.

One of the most important mistranslations in the KJV is inside the New Testament with the phrase “end of the world”. In each case in the original Greek the word there for “world” does not trace back to “κοσμοσ” (cos-mos), which is their word for “world”. Every single instance the original Greek word was actually “αίων” (ah-KHEE-own), which is their word for “age”.  Some might say it can mean world but let’s look at the gospel of Matthew. Four times the phrase “end of the world” shows up, again all were “αίων” in Greek. But some other times the word “world” in Matthew cosmos is used. Why would Matthew use different Greek words if he meant the same thing? Answer: he didn’t mean the same thing. He meant “age”, so he used “αίων”. What makes this so important is it shows there is no end of the world. If you look at Matt. 24:3, the disciples ask Jesus for the signs of His return and the end of the age. If you take that to heart and read Revelation 20, then you can make sense of it. When Jesus returns, that ends this age and begins a new age that will last a little over a thousand years. Without knowing Jesus’ return ends this age, Rev. 20 cannot be made sense of. The Gideon’s corrects those mistakes.

In one of the most intriguing mistranslations of the KJV is the craft Ezekiel saw. In the KJV it says the color of it was amber. That is a mistranslation. The Hebrew word there was (khazh-mal), which means “polished spectrum metal with an amber hue”, or beryl. Not a grainy amber color. Given the other descriptions of the craft Ezekiel saw, it could not be anything made of this world at that time. The Gideon’s also corrects this.

Jesus wasn’t our Lord’s real name. Jesus is the English pronunciation of the Greek version of the Hebrew name Yeshua (or Y’shua). Y’shua means “God saved”. If you took Y’shua and directly translated it to English, it would be Joshua. It doesn’t matter so much what you call Him, as long as you call Him Christ, Saviour, Lord, and the Son of the Living God. His mother Mary is the English version of Maria. Pronounced in their native Aramaic tongue, it would sound like (mah-ree-AH). Maria in Hebrew means “bitter”.

Satan in the Hebrew means “opponent, adversary”, and in some instances can mean “persecute”. Very apt names, which the definitions really mean something. Satan is the opponent and adversary, and has/will persecute(d) our creation. In Isaiah 14:12, the word “Lucifer” shows up for the only time in the KJV. The original Hebrew word there wasn’t anything near Lucifer at all. The original Hebrew word there was “Helel”. Why change it to Lucifer? Because the Catholic Church, which authored the KJV translated the name into Latin with the Vulgate. Lucifer is a Latin word. Isaiah nor any other OT prophet knew Latin. Helel as well as Lucifer means “brightness”, but in Latin it’s also the word for “morningstar”. There was some wisdom to the translation since the next line says “son of the morning”. One must ask, why the huge differences in not only the names but the meanings? Helel/Lucifer is mentioned only one time in the entire Bible, so why only there? It describes how Helel fell. After he fell, God changed his name. He was the morningstar. Now he’s the adversary.

Another important and intriguing mistranslation of the KJV is the word “giants” in Genesis 6:4. The original Hebrew word there was “nephil” (neh-feel), which is their word for “fallen”. This mistranslation also shows up in Numbers 13:33. These points are significant since it shows who those “giants” really were in Genesis and Numbers. They were the fallen angels. “Nephilim” is the Hebrew word for “fallen angels”. When Helel fell, he took many angels with him. They became known as the “nephil”, and their master is the Devil. The other time in Numbers 13:33 the word “giants” is also mistranslated, but it isn’t “nephil”. It’s the Hebrew word “gibbowr”, which means a mighty but tyrannical warrior. The plague of locusts is the plague of the fallen angels. I didn’t look if the Gideon’s corrects this or not. In the book of Enoch the prophet, he did speak about the children from the relations between angels and humans. He did describe them as being giant in size. Although nephil is a mistranslation, they were considered giants.

What too many call the final battle between good and evil before the end of the world, Armageddon has nothing to do with a time. Armageddon is two words put together. There is “har” which means “mountain”, and Megiddo is in the valley of Jezreel in northern Israel near a mountain. Armageddon means “mountains of Megiddo”. That is where the world will come to meet for battle against Israel and the forces of God. Both the OT and NT speak of Megiddo being the place for the final battle, but as I stated before, not for the end of the world. Armageddon will be fought at the climax of this age, but afterward a new age will begin once Y’shua has returned.

The KJV of the Bible is the English version of the Catholic translated Latin Vulgate. Many so-called experts talk about tracing things back to the Latin, but that doesn’t do any good since neither of the testaments were originally written in Latin. The Vulgate was written with a Catholic doctrinal point of view, so there are going to be mistakes to say the least. Some mistranslations you saw were innocent while I question how innocent some others were. When your doctrine can’t explain away what is written, and this really goes for all denominations, change the words to suit your doctrine. That is what happened with the Vulgate/KJV of the Bible.

I hope this post not only gives you a new insight on the written Word, but also inspires you to get a Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance since it will open your eyes. It doesn’t preach. It doesn’t have any link to a denomination. All it does is trace the words back to the original languages for a pure word of God without the influence of men. If you truly want to learn, a Strong’s is a must.

I just found a mistranslation that might be the most important, and there is no way this one was accidental. In Numbers 24:21, the word “Kenites” was correctly translated, but in verse 22 “Kenites” was mistranslated. I have contended that Kenites were of the line of Cain and this proves it. The original Hebrew word for “Kenites” was actually “Cain”. If you read those verses, you will see it’s conclusive that Kenites were of Cain. It proves it 100%. This mistranslation could not be innocent. Imagine if everyone knew that the Kenites came from Cain, it would enlighten many.


I’ve heard people ask “what is the most important chapter in the Bible?” My answer to that question is without a doubt Psalm 22. The reason is it brings the Old Testament and New Testament together. It proves Jesus was the Christ, and everything that is written about those with faith along with it.

Jesus on the cross said “My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?” That is supposed to make you ask “why wasn’t that a sin?” Don’t let traditional teachers tell you Jesus didn’t have the ability to sin, because that’s nowhere near true. Remember Jesus in Matt.4 went to the desert specifically to be tempted by Satan. If He couldn’t sin, what would be the temptation? Satan also knew very well who Jesus was. He did offer Jesus all of the kingdoms of the world if He’d bow to him. Jesus didn’t sin, therefore He didn’t fail. Don’t shortchange what our Messiah went through in keeping His life pristinely free from sin by thinking He wasn’t able to sin. So why wasn’t that a sin on the cross? Maybe He wasn’t speaking to God at all.

It is accepted by many that what Jesus said on the cross was His moment of doubt and pain. To accuse God of forsaking Him would be a sin by anyone. I don’t know where some people get these ideas from, but to not look for simple questions which should shoot their logic down is simply lazy. You’re telling me that this Man who healed hundreds, divided a few fishes and loaves amongst hundreds had doubt? This Man knew exactly who He was. He even told the disciples He would be scourged and crucified before it happened. They expect you to just go along with that doctrine. He puts the ear of a centurion’s back on and told the disciple who smote it off that He could call on legions of angels to rescue Him if He wanted, but how would the word be fulfilled? They seriously expect you to believe that after He is beaten, after He is scourged, after He is crucified that it is THEN He has His moment of doubt and pain? Come on!

Psalm 22 begins by saying “My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?” When were the psalms written? They were written around 1000BC mostly by King David. As you read on through Psalm 22, you’ll get to verse 16. It says “For dogs have compassed Me; the assembly of the wicked have inclosed Me; they pierced My hands and My feet.” How did Jesus die? He was crucified. He had His hands and feet pierced. This was written a thousand years before it happened. It also explains in that psalm that He would have His garments lotted upon, just like what is written in the gospels. As with many prophecies, this was written in the past tense simply because the prophets saw the future. It was the past to them. This holds true throughout Revelation.

Jesus was speaking to us on the cross, not to God. He was saying that Psalm 22 is being fulfilled, proving He indeed was the Messiah. All by the simple words He said on the cross. The genius of Psalm 22 is that it was destined to be repeated on the cross by Jesus, and that would hopefully then make you ask why that wasn’t a sin. This is the answer.

This is one of those things it only takes willing eyes and ears to acknowledge to be true. One must be a good student in order to find it on your own, due to the spirit of slumber given to all outside the election of grace. This psalm is the greatest example of the spirit of slumber I can point to. Most people cannot put Psalm 22 with what Jesus said on the cross on their own, and many when seeing the two won’t accept that they are connected due to their allegiance to personal, traditional, and denominational doctrine keeping them blind to the simple truth. Most people when this is pointed out to them should be able to see there’s no way Psalm 22 isn’t about the Christ in His last moments. God put the spirit of slumber upon nearly all, but men put on their own additional slumber with their personal blindness. Because of these things, Psalm 22 isn’t common knowledge Christian teaching as being a prophecy about Christ’s last moments. One additional point to prove about the spirit of slumber is what the next psalm is. The next psalm is the most popular psalm of them all – Psalm 23 “The Lord is my shepherd”. Psalm 23 being right there should be a beacon for anyone reading any psalm anywhere near it, thus connecting it to Jesus saying on the cross “My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?” It’s been there the whole time. I now introduce you to the spirit of slumber with Psalm 22 being its evidence. With the acceptance of the true doctrine of what Jesus said on the cross with Psalm 22, there’s no explaining it away by any of the most blind atheists. They can’t explain away Psalm 22 with any integrity because Psalm 22 was there long before Jesus lived. Even if Jesus didn’t point out Psalm 22 on the cross, it does predict He would have His hands and feet pierced. It brings the Old and New Testaments together. It proves Jesus was the Messiah. It proves the Bible is genuinely God’s word. Psalm 22 proves everything. That is why Psalm 22 is the most important chapter in the entire Bible.


Unfortunately some teach that all Christians are God’s elect. They obviously ignore Matthew chapter 7, where Jesus says some of those self-described Christians won’t make it. God’s elect doesn’t mean man’s elect. God’s elect “εκλεκτός” (ek-lek-TOHS) in Greek means God’s chosen. How can a man that chose Christ say that means that God chose him? How is a man making his election to God equal to God making His election of that man? Obviously the two aren’t congruent.

There are two types of God’s elect. There is God’s elect race, which are the Jews. Then there is the election of grace, which at least many of them aren’t Jewish. In Romans 11:7, Paul explains that Israel has not obtained that which he seeks for but the election has obtained it. Earlier on Paul explains who the real elect are. He reiterates a conversation between Elijah and God in 1st Kings clearly in the context of the election of grace. God explains He has kept seven thousand men (and women) who have not bowed their knee to Ba’al. There are different words used in 1st Kings and Romans 11 describing how God has “reserved” these people, and the most congruent meaning that ties the original Hebrew and Greek is the term “left back”. So God says that He has left back, or reserved seven thousand men in Israel. Then Paul adds on his own that there is a remnant according to the election of grace. Well, with him saying that it contends greatly traditional teaching of who the election of grace are. One has to ask themselves, how does God leave back or reserve a person? Can a person who has lived in the human flesh be called “reserved” or “left back” from God’s point of view? If God has left back a person, then that person has not lived yet.

Those who have not bowed their knee to Ba’al doesn’t necessarily mean Ba’al in the terms that men have come to know this pagan deity. He was much more than just a pagan deity of the planet of Venus. God knew that. Elijah knew that. I will not explain what Ba’al truly was. That’s another lesson way down the road.

Those seven thousand are reserved for the last generation to live. When else would God reserve them? That doesn’t necessarily mean there are seven thousand total who are the election of grace. There were some that were dispersed throughout this age, hence what Paul meant by saying there was a remnant according to the election of grace. It’s just that seven thousand of them are reserved for a specific time. Those people weren’t actually in Israel at the time. They will be. Remember, even Jesus said to His disciples that there will be some standing here that will not taste of death until the kingdom of God has come to Earth. Obviously there aren’t people over two thousand years old on Earth right now. He meant there will be some on Earth that will not die until the end of this age. Likewise, those seven thousand in the final generation will be in Israel at some point. Perhaps several times.

As it is also explained in Romans 11:6, God did not choose these people for any work they’ve done in this life. Faith is a work. Showing faith is a good work. Being unfaithful is a bad work. If they didn’t bow to “Ba’al” in this life, which shows their faith, isn’t that a work? If it is a work, then they couldn’t be chosen for this work because they were chosen by grace. This should be conclusive that God chose His elect before this life. This should also prove that those that didn’t bow to “Ba’al” didn’t show their faith in this life, also meaning there is something more to the picture to Ba’al than what we’ve thought of him to be. Now there are those called by grace, but not all answer their call. Every Christian becomes one by grace, but Jesus Himself gives many examples of those who fail from the ten virgins who all know the coming of the groom, to the three servants given talents.

Further proof of this is what God told Jeremiah. God told Jeremiah that He knew him before he was in the womb. God said before Jeremiah was out of his mother’s belly He sanctified him and ordained him to be a prophet. This means that God chose Jeremiah to be His prophet without having done one thing upon Earth in the human flesh. Isn’t that what Paul explains also in Romans 11:6? That God does not choose anyone for any work they have done, or else it would not be called grace.  Not for one thing they did in this life did God choose His elect. So what did Jeremiah do to prove his worth to God? God isn’t going to create a million souls and say randomly to the next one He created “okay, you’ll be My prophet”, then create another million and repeat. Jeremiah must have proven his worth for God to choose him to be a prophet. What did he or didn’t he do? He did not bow his knee to Ba’al or anything like him before he was put in the human flesh.

How many people did Jesus speak to during His life? Many multitudes. How did He speak to them? In parables. Matthew 13:10-16 reveals corroboration of the spirit of slumber given to everyone outside the election of grace. The disciples asked Jesus why does He speak to the multitudes in parables. He said because they don’t have eyes to see or ears to hear. Isn’t that what is written later in Romans 11? Weren’t those multitudes Christians? Christians, but didn’t have it in them to have that understanding that God’s elect did. Those people had greater faith than just about anyone here on Earth now. They saw Jesus heal people. Some were even healed by Him. They heard Him speak. Whose faith on Earth now could be stronger than theirs? Still, Jesus could only speak to them in parables about the kingdom. Jesus then revealed to the disciples that they do have eyes and ears, so He was allowed to reveal the secrets of the kingdom to them. They were some of the elect dispersed throughout the age.

For many are called to be at the wedding between Jesus and His bride, which is our creation who were faithful, but few are chosen. Obviously not all that will be at this wedding will be chosen to be there. Also there will be many that were not called to be at this wedding. It says many are called but few are chosen. Not nearly all are called to be there, but the rest are chosen. Don’t be afraid to ask questions that even go against your belief system. Romans 11 explains who the real elect are, and it’s obvious it’s not every Christian like many believe. Romans 11 is the most difficult thing written in the entire Bible to understand to its fullest extent. Inside it tells you why even. The rest were blinded. Only the election of grace do not have the spirit of slumber. God has given everyone else a ceiling of understanding. Sadly though, far too many have put their own ceiling upon themselves. It’s written that it takes the sounding of the last trump before the mystery is gone. I think that says everything about the faith of men, don’t you?


For those worrying if I will go on some peyote-laced fantasy ride like the one in the movie “The Last Temptation Of Christ”, you need not to worry here. I will only use God’s words spoken through the Holy Spirit and out of the pen of one of His elect. You’ll get nothing less from me.

As is written in Matthew 4:1, the spirit came upon Jesus to go to the wilderness to be tempted after He fasts forty days and forty nights. That was the purpose of His trip. This is significant because it shows He indeed had the ability to sin. Many traditional teachers teach that Jesus didn’t have the ability to sin. That is shortchanging the strength our Messiah showed by never sinning. How could He die for the sins of this creation if God “cheated” and didn’t give Him the ability to sin? That’s a heavy price to pay and God wouldn’t cheat. Don’t shortchange your Christ like that with that belief.

Satan came to Jesus and offered Him food since He was fasting, but Jesus stood strong even though He was very hungry. Then Satan put Jesus up on a pinnacle high off the ground and said to have Jesus call on the angels to save Him so He doesn’t fall and get hurt. I’m sure Jesus was afraid at the height, but again He stood fast and told Satan not to tempt the Lord. Then Satan broke out all the stops and offered Jesus all of the kingdoms of the world if He only bowed to him. Jesus told Satan to get away from Him for He can only serve the Lord His God. Even though He was weakened from the fast and Satan offered Him all of the kingdoms of the world, Jesus didn’t fail. Praise Jesus for His diligence!

The question you should be asking yourself at some point is what if Jesus did fall? What if e did bow to Satan? Another question you can ask is why Satan would try to make Jesus fall? Satan has already been sentenced to death. Because of that, he was hoping that Jesus would fall. The Lamb of our creation and the best of us all. If He fell Satan could have told God that our creation wouldn’t be worth His trouble or love. He was also perhaps hoping from Jesus’ failure that God would rescind that sentence He put upon Satan. That is one of the possibilities of what God would have done if Jesus failed. The other only possibility I know of would be to end this age and start another one again. To start this whole thing all over, that would have dastardly consequences. How many chances do you think our Lord would give our creation after that?

Jesus temptation came out of His excruciatingly painful and humiliating death. He knew with one word He could escape anymore pain. He could have escaped before one drop of spit hit Him, or one punch to His face, or one strike of the spiked metal balls, or one hit of a spike into His hands and feet. If instead of saying “Let this cup pass from Me, not as I will but You will” and said “I can’t do this. Come get Me.”, He would have not felt any pain, but He went through so much. Satan made sure His death was as barbaric and humiliating as possible in hopes the best of us would fail. Instead, Satan failed. Something he will be forced to endure more of. Satan’s test of Him putting Jesus on the pinnacle revealed to him what chances he would have if Jesus’ pains were great enough.

Because of Jesus’ strength, Satan failed. Jesus was crucified as was written a thousand years before His life (Psalm 22), and died for the sins of this creation. He defeated Death and provided our creation with a way to everlasting life. That is why everyone must go through Jesus to have everlasting life. Either in this age or the next one, those who need to make a choice will have to make that choice. It was the sins of this creation that even made it necessary for God to put His spirit into One of our creation and die innocently. Our creation owes so much to our God and our Christ. Give them their just due. Praise them and everyday keep them in your thoughts. Keep the sabbath holy for it is ours to strengthen our bond to Him. Praise be to the King of kings, our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Ruler of our creation.


Throughout the Old Testament is written prophecies of the coming Messiah. Isaiah mentions the coming Christ several times. David also does in Psalms. Psalm 22 is the most incredible of all predictions, which I will get to later. Predictions of how He would live, die, and what purpose He will serve are written throughout the OT. Isaiah 7:14-16, Isaiah 9:6-7, Isaiah 11:1-5, Isaiah 53:1-12, Psalm 110:1 are particularly enlightening, which Isaiah 53 shows the Christ must suffer and die while staying silent. Psalm 22 predicts the manner of His death vividly. When you are willing (we are all able unless we have mental handicaps), you can do some simple research to strengthen your faith.

Many wonder who killed Jesus. Was it the Jews? Some Jews? Those who say they are Jews, but are not? The Romans? Here’s my answer and God’s answer to that question. We all did. Jesus died for our sins, right? So we killed Him. Jesus did say that scribes, elders, and Pharisees would deliver Him to the Gentiles to kill Him, but His death served an incredible purpose.

Starting from the gospel in Matthew is the listing of all generations from King David to Yeshua or Y’shua (”Jesus” in the Hebrew). Jesus is actually the Greek version of the Jewish name “Joshua” and is pronounced Yeshua. In Genesis they list the generations from Adam to Seth (since Abel was murdered and Cain was not of the line of Adam), on and on to Noah, then again on and on to King David. Notice they were all Jews from that lineage.

When the time was right for Jesus, He wandered through the desert for forty days while fasting to be tempted by Satan. This is significant because it shows Satan knew what Jesus was able to do. He knew Jesus had the ability to sin, even though He never did. Satan did his best to make Him fail because if Jesus did sin, this creation would be in a lot of trouble right now. God might have had to erase this whole age and start again at best. For those who don’t believe Jesus had the ability to sin, ask yourselves why Satan would waste his breath trying to make Jesus fail? Satan knew exactly who Jesus was. How many of you did Satan offer all the kingdoms of the world to? I will go on a limb and say none. Satan wanted Jesus to fail to push off his death sentence longer and show God that our creation wasn’t worth His trouble. Maybe Satan was hoping God would then take pity on Satan and forgive him. Remember Jesus’ parable of the vineyard where the owner sent his slaves to receive the fruits from the laborers, but they abused some and even killed some. These slaves were the prophets. Then the vineyard owner sent his son, saying “they will respect my son”, but the laborers knew who the son was and wanted to claim his inheritance by killing him. The son was Jesus and the owner of the vineyard was God. Notice the evil laborers wanted the inheritance? What was the inheritance?

Maybe the most significant temptation from Satan was when he put Jesus on the pinnacle of the temple and said “For it is written, ‘He shall give His angels charge concerning You, and in their hands tney shall bear You up for fear at anytime You hit Your foot against a stone.'” Satan knew if he could make His death so painful and humiliating, perhaps Jesus would call on the angels to save Him because He couldn’t take anymore. This should reveal how horrific Christ’s death really was in every way. Imagine going through what He did and having the ability with one word get out of it. What an incredible price He paid. Despite Jesus’ words on the cross, God did not forsake Him, nor did He accuse God of doing so.

Jesus in order to die for our sins would have to live His life sinlessly. He had to be a pristine lamb to the slaughter. During His life, He echoed God’s laws and took on the traditions of men. There was no one to confound Him or break His stride. While people were looking at Him as the Messiah to end the Roman rule and bring about the promises given by God, many forgot that it was written of Him that He would die before setting up God’s kingdom on Earth. In Isaiah 53:7 it says that He was to be lead like a lamb to the slaughter and will take His death silently. Onto the tenth verse, it says it pleased the Lord to bruise Him. The reason why God was pleased when Jesus did die was that He was achieving His purpose. He was dying for the sins of this creation.

Getting to Psalm 22, it is designed to do something most incredibly wise. It is supposed to make our creation ask a question and find the answer when Jesus quotes it. Jesus says on the cross “My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?” It is supposed to make us ask “why wasn’t that a sin?” I’ve heard many explanations from traditional teachers and learners alike which amount to the babblings beyond Babylon. I’ve heard that in that moment Jesus sinned to become our sin. I’ve heard that it was Jesus’ moment of doubt and pain. Jesus NEVER sinned. To accuse God of forsaking Him would be a sin, but there is a reason why that isn’t a sin. The reason is Psalm 22. Psalm 22 starts off by simply saying “My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?” Even when pointing this out to some, they will not come off their prior doctrine. Verse sixteen says that He will have His hands and feet pierced. In the new translations (at least one of them anyway), the word “pierced” is replaced by “bound”. The Hebrew word there is aw-ree, which indeed means “pierced”. That whole psalm was written about how Jesus would die 1000BC. That was probably at least part of the reason He knew He was going to be crucified. Jesus wasn’t speaking to God when He was on the cross. He was quoting scripture. He was telling our creation, who are willing to get past traditional, flawed teaching that Psalm 22 was about Him. That He indeed was the Messiah. Knowing this, what can an atheist say against this? Read Psalm 22. There’s not a more poignant psalm in all of the Bible.

Jesus defeated death for us after we brought death onto ourselves. Through Him we can find life everlasting. While not everybody is here to make a choice (some have particular jobs to do), those who need to make a choice will have to make it either in this age or the next one. The next age I will write about in a later post, but there indeed will be another age after this one. How can Jesus reign on Earth with His saints while Satan is imprisoned in the bottomless pit if His return ends the world? There’s a mistranslation there in Matthew 24:3 with the word “world”. It actually was the Greek word for “age”.

Jesus shared His messages with the world and lived without sin and hypocrisy. He rebuked sinners but tried to call them to righteousness. He warned our creation of the time to come and what would happen to us if we failed our Lord. He did not come to destroy the Law or the prophets, but to fulfill. He was simply saying it was time to forgive the sinner, but the Law and the words of God through His servants, the prophets still stands. Jesus even said that it’s easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for one letter of the Law to be changed, so anyone saying that Jesus wasn’t as harsh as God was in the OT has it wrong. He just had a different job to do. Jesus fulfilled the need for the severe punishments to give for laws we seemingly break on a daily basis. God could relax knowing that He through His laws and punishments pushed Satan’s corruption of this creation off long enough for Jesus to be born and to die without sin to seal victory to those of us who want it. It was Satan who beguiled Eve and his purpose was to bring sin and death before it’s due time to wholly corrupt our creation and this age. This was the purpose of those harsh punishments for the laws. It’s pretty clear when you read Deuteronomy. Jesus opened the kingdom of heaven and went into the pits of the Earth to bring the righteous from their former resting place to something new. Jesus sealed up victory for the righteous and Satan’s failure by staying silent and taking His cruel, humiliating death. Praise Him and the One who sent Him!


The adoration of Barack Obama hasn’t seen these heights since Jesus entered into the walls of Jerusalem where people were shouting “Hosanna to the Son of David: Blessed is He that comes in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest!” No one can really compare the two. Jesus performed miracles. Obama can speak well. He doesn’t actually say inspiring things, but as an orator he inspires the zombie masses. During the campaign people were passing out at his speeches. Woman after woman would cry. Did Martin Luther King do such things with his voice? No, he did not. There is no comparison as to who the better orator is. King is heads and shoulders above Obama. King also inspired people with actual words. Not just the same mantra of “hope, change, rainbows, purple horseshoes, and lucky charms”. What is this spell people are under that make them so infatuated with an ordinary man?

I have learned more from Obama than nearly anyone else has. Since I really study people, his rise to power had me fascinated. On that I studied every nook and cranny the man and his followers. The intellectual and atheistic followers of Obama have opened my eyes widely with their reactions to him. Some people have called it a mental delusion, but I beg to differ. I think it’s their spiritual emptiness that is evident at their fawning. These people have no inner core. Many of these same people, if not most will belittle a Christian for their faith at least if they hold true to God’s ordinances. Many believe they’re above believing in a man that God sent to die for our sins. Their disbelief in God makes them look smart in their circles. Because they think they’re smarter than they actually are, they have to put down the ones that would provide the smallest bit of backlash: the Christians. There is no repercussion but acceptance into a personal genius club that intellectuals have founded. These same people who make fun of Christians for their beliefs have shown me they too are very capable of accepting someone to be their god. They have so little recollection of their own soul, or even the denial thereof, that they are open to someone sweeping them away. Look at what has happened. A man with not a very impressive resume and not many accomplishments took this country by storm. How? Let’s face it, his background and things that we knew about him are things that should raise red flags. There was only a slight showing of negativity during the campaign about these things. What he did work hard at is being ambiguous. For Americans, that was good enough to elect him.

When hearing about people who either cover him or talk about him, their eyes open widely and they act as if they just saw the Supreme Being. He can speak! He can bring people together! He will save our country! He will rescue us! He will bring hope to fruition! He can dance! He will bring salvation! He can inspire us to become better Americans! He can play basketball! Well, he can’t bowl. In their eyes, he is no man. Some have said he’s the Antichrist. He’s not the Antichrist. He has shown me however that this world is ripe for the taking when the real Antichrist comes. The Antichrist will be a human being with the spirit of the fallen angel Satan inside him. Barack Obama is just Barack Obama. Obama is just the comet that acts as the harbinger of the true evil ahead. Never before has it become so clear to me how ready this world is for the Antichrist to take them to their dreams of Utopia. He’ll have all of their answers and a bag full of goodies. He will unite their anger towards the Christian and the Jew. The cult of the spiritual empty will indeed have their god and will happily do his bidding. Yes, I have learned much from Barack Obama. The supposed smartest people in the world are ready for the taking. The ones who think they know it all will show their ignorance. If anyone doubted that people would accept someone as their god even with the scripture being there pointing out who he really is, look at what lowly Obama has achieved. God’s Word is written in stone, no matter what some Christians might say. There aren’t prophecies that are written we can change or delay. It will happen just as it says. They will bow to the Wicked One, and it will come soon. It is written, so shall it be done.


The end of this age will be the climax and therefore the worst time in this age. As a matter of fact, Jesus said it will be the worst time our creation will ever know, which is saying something to those that have the wisdom of the three earth ages. The tribulation period will try those who are here. It’s designed to make it difficult for them to make the right choice. I will get to why that is later. This period of time is not for the election of grace, or God’s elect. They will be here but these plagues for the most part will not affect them. I will explain that there are only a few thousand of God’s elect. Despite what your teachers might tell you, not every Christian is one of the election of grace. Not even close. How can a person that chose Christ say that God chose them? That’s what God’s elect means. God’s chosen. Choosing Christ is a work. God choosing a person is done by grace. That’s why it says in Romans 11 that a work is not grace. In that verse, replace the word “grace” with “an act of God” and you will get the meaning. A man choosing Christ is a work. God choosing one of the election of grace was done by grace alone, and not by anything that person did in this life. The election of grace happened before this age started. Before the days of Adam. The election of grace is the name of the people God chose before the foundation of this age. Simple as that. To further prove my contention, in Romans 11, Paul after reiterating that conversation between Elijah and God said that “there is still a remnant according to the election of grace”. A remnant. If Paul meant what just about every Christian teacher thought he meant, then there would be some living still. That’s impossible. Elijah lived around 900 BC. This was written 900 years afterward. There could be none living when Paul wrote this. The remnant he was referring to were those who have not lived yet who were of the election of grace. Showing faith is a good work. Being unfaithful is a bad work. Since showing faith is a work, how could these 7000 be chosen for not bowing their knee to Ba’al in this life? Jeremiah 1:5 also says that God knew Jeremiah before he was in the womb, and ordained him to be a prophet before his birth. What could have Jeremiah done in this life to be chosen by God as a prophet? Nothing. Just as it says in Romans 11, these people were not chosen for any work they have done in this life, therefore there must have been something more to the picture of Ba’al, not to mention their faith was shown before this life.

What scripture there is written that says that the election of grace will not suffer the same way that the rest will is in a couple of different areas. In Rev. 6:6 where it’s talking of the plague of great inflation and economic woe, it says that the oil and wine will not be hurt. “See thou hurt not the oil and the wine”. If there is a plague of economic woe, then of course actual oil and wine will be hurt. So what does that mean? What do you do with oil besides cook with it? You anoint with it. What happens during the process of turning grape juice into wine. It’s not just the fermentation, but the purifying. The impurities come out during fermentation. What it really says is “see you hurt not the anointed and the pure”. Those are God’s elect. Also in Psalm 105:15 says “Touch not Mine anointed and do My prophets no harm.” That’s basically the same thing as what is written in Rev. 6:6 as I described it.

The tribulation period is to try everyone else. For those who say “I’m a good Christian and I’ve lived a good life, so why do I have to go through this?” What I will say is what is written in Ecclesiastes 1:9. “There is no new thing under the Sun.” All of our souls are much older than our bodies, as was written in Jeremiah 1:5. God knew all of us before we were put in our mother’s womb. The words “know, knew” also meant “accept”. God foreaccepted Jeremiah. He knew all of us, but only accepted few of us before this age started. Just because we cannot remember anything before we were born, it doesn’t it didn’t happen. Nobody’s soul is innocent outside the election of grace. Only they were justified before their birth, as is written in Romans 8.

While we are taught by Christians who refuse to trace the KJV back to it’s original languages as they should that the Earth is several thousand years old, it’s only this age that is several thousand years old. As is written in the original Greek, this is an age we live in, and this age will end when Jesus returns. The age will end, not the world. Those who don’t believe in this cannot explain away the thousand years that Jesus reigns here with his saints while Satan is in the bottomless pit for a thousand years. When that millennium ends, Satan is loosened from his prison and tries to deceive the world once again. There is no new thing under the Sun. God chose Jeremiah and His other prophets when and from what. Those who are deceived try to make war with the saints, but God stops them and ends that age. THEN the books are opened and judgment is given. Not beforehand. Are you going to believe God’s word in its original form more than God’s word with the influence of men translating it? I hope not. Get a Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance and open your eyes. It’s inexcusable that with all of the tools at our disposal today that any teacher would teach the Earth is just thousands of years old.

Our souls are a LOT older than our flesh bodies are. How else would God choose a soul to be one of His prophets? He didn’t choose them during this life and God does nothing at random. He didn’t create a soul and then say “okay, you’re going to be My prophet”. They already proved their worth sometime before this age started. Everyone else failed at least for a moment.

This age is another chance. So is the next one. A chance to show your faith. Why it’s so hard in this age for keeping faith is because this is our creation’s punishment for past crimes. The greatness in His heart allowed Him to create this age with a way out. Jesus is the way. Whether it be in this age or the next, each soul will have to make a choice outside of the election of grace, and perhaps those who repented after they bowed their knee. ALL will know at sometime in their soul’s existence what the right choice will be. This age or the next one, every soul that still needs to make the right choice will know what the right choice will be. That doesn’t mean they will make it even knowing who Satan really is and who Jesus is. God is doing and will do everything He can to help them make the right choice. That’s why there is this age to begin with. That’s why He sent His only begotten Son to live and die innocently for a way to righteousness. That’s why those He already justified are here living as well. After that, it’s all up to you.